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First Train Ride


Cropped after Amanda Radovic's suggestion.

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This is a photo I took a few years back, but still one of my favorite expressions. The train

had started moving a minute before. I know he's centered; I was in a hurry to get the shot

before he stopped worrying and decided to cry or something.

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It is a gorgeous expression but I feel that there is too much below him. I apreciate you want to keep the train in and therefore don't want to crop in tight but what about this?? I also burned in the person behind a little. I also think bw would be fantastic.

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Amanda, you're right about the crop. I don't think B&W works - the pacifier rim disappears into his face, and the expression changes. Thanks for your help! I've uploaded a cropped version I like better. - Don
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In a cropped version, does the subject still look as small and vunerable as he does here? I like this shot a lot, as is. The boys expression is priceless.
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Thanks for your kind comment, and sorry for any confusion; I realize now that I should have posted the original down here so Amanda's suggestions & my response have their proper context. Here's the full-frame picture so you can see how right she was.

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Don- I love this shot, cropped or uncropped the message is the same. A wonderful expression, tells a story and that's the point! The eyes and the eyebrows along with the half cocked pacifier do the trick. Priceless! One look and the message is clear, no explanation needed. As a mother and grandmother I've seen this expression many times and I knew exactly what it meant! LOL Usually the precursor to scooping them up and offering a little comfort. Great job on this one!
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