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Homeless, but still man with soul


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Looks a lot like the homeless version of Robin Williams haha...very nice grain/lighting, excepting the small spot right seems to not fit. 6/6
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Paul Greenwood...

:)) nice asociation! :)) this spot behind (car light) - gives to photo deepnes-space, that's because i did not retouche it.... ech, ech - Robin Williams ;))

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Thanks fun...car light huh. My impression was a ps add in spot but thats just manipulation mania paranoia. Ya he looks so much like Robin its astounding..just can't finger what movie he had this look in. Something should be done to equate these two, its uncanny. Get the same relative shot of Robbin and you have the two ends of the social spectrum pretty well covered. Hello Robbin you out there?? Fun is flying to Hollywood to photo you so get a beard together.
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Fun- The detail and expression are really excellent, but the headlight kind of bothers me. Is it really necessary to add depth, epecially when there is such beautiful detail and light on the subject's face? Dilemma- as a photojournalistic image it may be needed, but as a portrait I think the subject is powerful enough without it. Really nice image either way.
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Nice composition and very nice exposure. Little under exposure of right eye without incident light reflection and a bright area near subject's left ear (car light) are a little distracting. Over all a great portrait... 7/6. Best regards.
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A beautiful portrait. I've come back here several times, wondering each time about the bright light. On balance, I'd recommend removing it, and adding the depth you are looking for with something else. I find my eye being drawn away from the subject's eyes and focusing on the bright light.
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Thats the first thing that came to my mind... Good to see I wasn't the only one. As for the portrait.. excellent! The lighting, pose, framing, etc are great. If I were to find a negative, it is the car light. It's not a major downside though. Again, this is a great shot! The details in his face are excellent, and you have captured his eyes. You can see the inner man.
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Actually ,my first thought was, "wow! Robin William's when he was in The Fisher King". He played a homeless, troubled man in that movie. very worth seeing - And this photo is most moving! I was not distracted by the car light until i read everyone else's comments on it. 7/7!
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Big thank to all for your comments and time!


Light behind - because of your comments i tried to retouche it again and i must say - you were right. It looks better without it :) if you want to check out result, it's on this adress

"http://www.fotoaparat.cz/index.php?r=25&rp=70732&gal=photo" thanx again!

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