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© © 2001 Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

New Beginnings


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© © 2001 Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

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This is more of a question than a comment, but why did you leave the road in the picture? Is it to divide the picture or you just liked the way it looked? I'm new... I was just wondering. Thank you!
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Colors are just great. It would have been nice if the camera was a little lower and the road in the background hidden
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I made an effort to minimize the road as much as possible. I could only lower my camera so far on the tripod. I had not thought that it divided the road, but I can see that interpretation being made. After I saw the image I thought the road being subtly included alluded to the impact of man in such serene locations. Ultimately the DOF was kept shallow to focus on the evolution of life on the tree stump so at the time the road was thought off, but not philosophically.
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Why not include the road? Like it or not, it is part of the enviroment. I'm sure if look closely enough, you'll even find its it's own little eco-system, with mosses growing between the cracks. Its a legitimate part of the location. And if the point of a nature photograph is to document the location, it would be dishonest to exclude it... of course, it all depends on what you're trying to say.


Nice photo, by the way, a pleasant, warm light coming in from the right. Unsure whether to crop the sky out or not, a shame to get rid of the strong verticals in the background...

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I didnt notice the road till reading...was so stunned by the beauty of this stump..but seeing it now it seems to add a well placed line to the scene. Not a simple task dealing with a fog overhead magnifying sunlite ,i'm finding out. Gorgeous greens. 7/6
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I have also mixed feelings about the road. In first instance I would have liked it not to be there. At a second glance, once it is there, I realised how much it changes the message of the picture, hinting that the tree fell for man fault rather than by itself (what might be more likely).


At any rate, I like the nice contrast between the sharp texture on the tree and in the foreground, and the misty background. I think the picture would be more balanced, though, without the slightly burned-out corner of sky on the top.

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The green is absolutely brilliant and captivating. As above, I too lamented the road being there--sometimes I take out the column on my tripod and invert the whole camera/column so I can get right on the ground. Regardless, it's beautiful. cc
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There is absolutely nothing I don't like about this shot! This creates a powerful mood and tells the story well Jim. Truly outstanding image.
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but intriguing thematic composition - captivating tone of colour green - a beautiful photograph
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