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Pacific Evening Mist (Best Viewed Large)


www.hawaiianphotos.net/kauaiphotos.htmMany of you around here know that I prefer colorful images. This image here however just seems to work in B&W. This was taken without any filters, captured with Velvia and converted to B&W. This will be the first Black and white offered in our print line. Any other suggestions about the image or this conversion are also greatly appreciated. Many mahalos! www.hawaiianphotos.netwww.hawaiianphotos.net/Kauaitours.htm

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Many thanks for those of you brave enough to take a stab at it, some nice thoughts out there. Am considering all of your suggestions, with the exception of Ken Williams. (Though "Dorky Photographer" does have immediate application!) As you can see this can be a very difficult part of this biz... I prefer one or two word titles and three words at the max.


The colored version would work in my book, but we already have plenty of images in color, so will either try both or most likely just the B&W. Black and white images are usually only found in the Hawaiiana portraits and never in prints or even postcards. People come out here and the colors simply stand out. So needless to say a B&W will be an interesting test.


I would also like to take a moment to thank Jay Patel for sending me a private e-mail months ago (when the colored version of this was posted) showing me what he could do with this in B&W. It was much richer and far superior to my own desaturated version. So much so that I sent him my original 222 meg file, and a very fair fee to do this conversion correctly. Need I say more? He is available for hire. Many mahalos Jay, and to all of you for taking the time.



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I certainly do appreciate you giving me an opportunity to work on this image...I consider it an honor. Getting paid was just the icing on the cake. :-))

If anyone needs my talents, please feel free to send me an email.

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This is one powerful B&W photograph that I cannot even imagine in color. The sense of space, distance and motion is almost overwhelming. A tip of my hat to you before I get sucked into this image and vanish forever.
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A fine shot with an elemental 'just been created' feel. I'm trying to think of something from Genesis but snappier would be better!
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Aloha Vince! You were fortunate to have Jay work on the original; you two would make a great team. I prefer this monochrome version over the color. The beauty of this is in its simplicity. And while the color version is good, I feel the color stands in the way somewhat. So...simple is best.


Along the line of simplicity, I would not even try to formulate some poetic name for this photograph. For one reason, this scene could mean many things to the viewer. The meaning for him may be quite different than what your impression was when you closed the shutter. Rather, I would give it the name of the location (in Hawaiian). The Hawaiian language sings so beautifully and would reinforce the experience for the viewer. It would add a touch of romantic mystery and adventure as well. As long as you don't name it after the state fish I think you would be okay :0) Regards.

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Thanks for the complement Walter.

I also like your suggestion. It is pretty original...I can't pronouce it, but it has my vote for it. :-))

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Name choosing aint easy. I've been down this road quite a few times. I like a few posted above, while another few were worth a good laugh.


Walt, the thought of using Hawaiian names never really occurred to me, I will think it over a bit more...many thanks for the idea. I know VERY few names myself, but have plenty of friends that can help. Still, I would need whatever Hawaiian name to have some type of English relevance. Know what I mean? I'm sure I'll get asked plenty. "My Manly Biceps" might sound great in Hawaiian, but...







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Update - Jayme, my appologies .......... Upon further review - I appears I was dropped as a baby too - but on a harder floor ........ )-;


Vince - where do you find these people ? - An interesting crowd you attract ......... sol


Also, I can't believe you left me an opening with that 'My Manly Biceps' comment - I'll give you 30 seconds to retract it (because I like you - watch the hands amigo) or I will be forced to jump all over it - oppppps times up - sorry ...

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this is nice image but I am insult that you didnot mention my help for you ion the other of your pictres htat you have linked so I list here the two with the one of Jay on top and the on the botom of mine. I am sorry for reminding you of this

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Thanks for those kind words Pawel. "With J"? Now that one is right up there with "My Manly Biceps" and "Dorky Photographer"...Lol!!
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My manly biceps was a mistake Mr Ken, very sorry please do not punish me on my own image for having manly biceps. Genetics...


The "saul santos diaz, November 12, 2004; 07:27 A.M." comment must have been a reply to the

"Mario Spalla, November 11, 2004; 05:23 P.M." comment since I know neither of them. All is well in love and war.


Nice Sepia version Alexander. Sorry if you were offended too, seems to be a bug goin around lately. Well Jay, wheres my Sepia version??Thanks to all for the input above, and keeping it fun!! Aloha




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Now I remember Alexander, you posted this same version on the original colored image thread. Now I get it. Many thanks! Jay, you have competition. Pluse Pawel sent me a version privately as well. Guess who benefits from all this??
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