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''Rua das Carmelitas'' - one of the main streets in downtown (or ''IT'S FORBIDDDEN TO FORBID'', as someone once said ...)

gato pardo

Taken on the 1st November 2004, on a cloudy rainy day. Soft light.Final adjustments on ''Photoshop''

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One of the corners in the downtown of (O)porto. At the moment I shot

the building (and the whole place) it appeared to my eyes as a

reference of the proud of this city. That's why I caught this


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I like this one quite a bit. I wonder what would happen if you were somehow able to go just a -little- wider so we could see the top of the dome. How would it affect the overall composition? Would it add to it or detract, having the blue sky negative space connected in one solid form?
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By the way, did you you know that my name (Guilherme) in English is William (though experts say that names should not be translated)?!

Let me tell you that on the 1st November I took some 30 shots of (O)Porto in about 3 hours and in that same day I treated them in my computer! And so, it's not surprising that the quality of details was bellow the medium level. You are absolutely right about the eventual improving by stepping back to get the top of the building and its contrast against the sky. I promise to take another shot in a near future, taking notice of your suggestions that I really appreciated! I also promise you to talk about your (interesting) portfolio within some days! Regards.

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