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© D A Zielinska

Whale at Karekare



© D A Zielinska

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And, apparently, once one beaches itself it calls to the others for help - resulting in the entire group (pod?) washing ashore.
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That would be correct. As far as I know these whales have now been buried in the Sand Dunes. Someone told me about some whales that had washed ashore about 30 years ago which were buried in the dunes at another beach. Apparantly that place is now "Tapu" (Sacred) because the smell is so bad from the Whales decomposing...
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Suicide is sad whatever the species. I think the 'contact' between the 2 mammals captured here, though one-sided - is exceptional, touching. This is a photograph that remains with the viewer, one of the most memorable I've ever seen on photo.net. Regards, Seven.
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How strange! In ancient Japan there was a tradition: old people decide for themselves when to die. Then sons climb the mountain (the legend of Narayama) carrying mothers and fathers on their backs. And they leave the old people on the top of the mountain simply to die. Here, it seems to be the opposite - once the head of the herd decided to die, it goes to strand itself on a selected beach followed by the younger members of his family. In both cases not the God Himself is one to decide. The ends of these stories are also simple and logical: people on the top of Narayama are eaten up by eagles, while stranded whales are "butchered for teeth". Life and death, just one more comment and no answers as usual. Thank you for the links, guys. Regards. Blago
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and I couldn't help but click on its hyperlink. This is a simply OUTSTANDING photo. It appears from the frame size that it isn't cropped and little Photoshopping appears evident. It just shows that if you keep your eyes open (and your camera at the ready), a prize-winning image may be the next image you shoot. Congratulations. John (Crosley)
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Very nice picture very original 7/7

however, i kind feel sad for the whales. This is life, you are born you live then die when your time comes.



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Hi Dominika, Great photo, it suggests "One Mammal to another" WHY DID YOU DO THIS???, the answer we may never know. I have worked and played in the ocean all my life, I have personally been involved with three separate whale strandings here in New Zealand, it is a very emotional time for all concerned.

For all of you around the globe, if you get a chance watch the New Zealand Film "Whale Rider" Tony A, "Downunder Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

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Hi Tony,


Thanks for your comment. It saddens me that this is the only time that I have seen a Whale in the wild and unfortunately after it was beached... As I am hoping to see one alive in the Ocean one day, I've decided to join Greenpeace in their fundraising quest to try and save some whales, if anyone is interested in supporting this cause go to:




This may not be allowed but we do what we can right?


Thanks for your support - Dom

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