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Knock-knocking on heavens door.


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Fantastico color y textura. Imagino que te debe de gustar la version de Guns N' Roses a mi para mi mal me gusta la original de Bob Dylan.
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Unfortunately you're probably not used to it judging by your circle of friends, but I'll offer an honest critique.


The composition is poor - the crop is too tight and the central placing of the knocker is not working. I personally don't like the over-photoshopping and the obvious depth of field effect.


Your sycophantic friends do you a disservice.

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No creo que todos los que han visto esta foto sean tus amigos, como dice alguien de la Gran Brrr

Yo la he visto, me gusta y, hombre!, aunque se que eres de Leon, no estas ni estamos ligados por ningun lazo. Creo que cuando ven las cosas que tenemos en nuestra piel de toro, a mas de uno se le anuda el est�mago. Bueno, no sigo, que me caliento!

Excelente imagen y que no decaiga el animo.

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I like it, Marta. When individuals have opinions that differ from the majority and then unfairly judge all others to be dishonest, accusing the lot of them of sycophancy they dishonor themselves rather than you or those who like your image. In an area as subjective as this, it is amazing that individuals count their opinions of an image as the infallibly "correct" opinions and all others as badly-motivated liars. That said, I wonder what would happen if you showed more of the door in this image and played with putting that interesting knocker off center and possibly at the one of the 3rds? Keep shooting.



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Ánimo Marta. La foto es buena y está bien encuadrada.

Siempre hay un listo que necesita destacarse por su mejor juicio ante el resto de ignorantes que andamos sueltos por aquí

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Well, its NOT different and NOT interesting, despite that statement above. What it really is, as noted by another party is ...not a very good photograph. Shot dead on, its out of focus and seriously lacking in detail. Inexperience or unwillingness to learn digital manipulation correctly also repetitively shows in the image as overprocessing. Often, these images are much better if the poster would not try to play with the image.
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I am not a very big fan of these effects but you did a good job on it. A little bit of sharpening would have made it look even better. Nice composition.
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Todos aqui tenemos el derecho de opinar lo que queremos, de cualquier foto. En mi opinion, esta foto esta bellisima. Los colores estan bien combinados y fluidos. Parece que la mano esta tres dimencional y la composicion te hace mirar a la foto entera.


No se que caraj@ le pasa a algunos de este grupo... Creo que nuevamente, con tus imagenes creativos y originales, has causado que los celosos te ataquen con sus opiniones negativas. Que pena para ellos.



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What beautiful blue and green! Composition is a bit static, but color palette is stunning. How many photoshop contribute to it?
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Esta foto para mi es original, aunque con mas contarste de color mejoraria. Creo que eres una fotografa muy intuitiva.
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