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Homeward Bound 1


This image is scanned from print. Shepherds take out herd of sheep in the morning and stay with them throughout the day. In the evenings they bring them back to barns in an idle and leisure mood. Rate and comment .

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This reminds me of those images that were in children-bibles on primary school :)

It is indeed almost a painting, don't really not sure whether it is my cup of tea (bit too grainy, almost beyind the point it is esthetical/artistic for my taste) but I have to admit it is a great image considering th ecomposition, theme and colorpalet.





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Subjects, dramatic cloud effect, composition and, yes, even those strange colors work beautifully together. Without the overstated grain it would've been the best image for me on Photonet among tens of thousands I have viewed. I now want to see your portfolio, am very interested in what you are doing.
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Like all fine works of art, this stirs controversy-is it technically correct, are the colors right, too much grain. Bottom line, it makes people stop and look. I think the capture is awesome, the subject matter timeless, and the overall work outstanding.
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Well I agree with all the people that said this is a great image..good composition or good lighting..well it is...but still i have this feeling that this is a mix between 2 pictures,,the grain proportion between the lights and the ground is not the same also there is a lost details on the grass causing by masking between the grass and the lights at right hands side of the picture..you have to take a good look on it before you can realize it. Well I am not against PS but I am confused in what we actually suppose to do at PN. Rated painting or photos? but all by all my compliment for this image. Very artistic indeed! Thank you!
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