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This is a good theme fit imo. The action is well suprised and gives you a nice feeling. I find the background distracting and i would go for a smaler DOF. Color, exposure and compositon are fine.


regards, calin

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Indeed, this fits the Decisive Moment theme well. They're colliding, but not collapsed on each other yet - and the ball is just in hand. I would agree that a shorter DOF would eliminate other distractions. ie - surely the picket fence way in the backbround could be made a blur with slightly different settings?


Other suggestions for improvement: a bit of context would be nice - either seeing the goal post ("wow, that was close") or other players rushing in for assistance?

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Absolutely a decisive moment. Sport photography (especially fast action sport) is very difficult. At least I find it to be. You must burn a lot of film (this is the one reason that I most wish I had a digital) for just a couple good shots. I agree with the DOF, but understand that you are often limited by what your bank account will allow in these regards. Perhaps some post exposure work could solve this, but then you are destroying the "true to life" characteristic of the shot. I like your choice of cropping as it makes for a dynamic image. Well done PT.
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On a bright & sunny day, it is a little more difficult with some cameras to decrease DOF due to limited shutter speeds, even at low iso. This is 2000th sec at f8, iso 100, Nikon CP5700. If the goalpoasts were in the picture, the faces wouldn't be. You can only do so much and only be so lucky to catch the perfect sports moment and please everyone. You are correct in that the perfect sports moment is difficult to catch while still being true to the environment and the reality of the existing image.
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Decisive moment, indeed. Well done, PT. I bet the next frame in the sequence would have a been a good one too. I would shave off a bit from the RHS.


> This is 2000th sec at f8, iso 100


Impossible. It would be severely underexposed at those values.

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The decisivement moment wasn't as much about football (soccer, depending on where you live) as it was about the moment the photographer snapped the pic.


These guys are caught mid-air, sharp, with great expressions on their faces. Very nice shot!


I'd like to add that I even like the background as the trees help outline the players. Had they not been there, that building in the background might have been distracting.

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A nice sports capture no doubt but, as alluded to by Melissa, the point of the folder is not about how many shots are taken that result in a good image (the norm for sports images?) but rather the moment the photographer chose to depress the shutter - once! Would be interested if this was a one shot capture or not PT. Either way nice moment but limited by the relatively large DOF. How about some burning in to reduce the impact of the BG PT?





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I like the facial expressions and it deffinitely fits the requirements of the assignment, but it doesnt really stand out as very unique or original. I agree that a bit more DOF would enhance the photo, have you considered trying to do some post production work on photoshop? I think this could be accomplished fairly easily by adding a bit of lens blur to the background layer.
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How about this? I always like mono for this kind of shot anyway and it works better to dodge and burn as well IMO. Some slight gaussian blur to buildings as well. Interested in comments.





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