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iso100, 1/60sec, f13.0, 12.00mm

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This is a superb composition, Ilkka. I like the way the leaves just add a hint of colour. And not a cow in sight! (Sorry, Ilkka, couldn't resist that)7/6
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Hi Gianbattista, the horizon is just as in nature. The picture was taken on a mountain in 1300 meters height in fog (or in a cloud). I have just increased the contrast and boosted the colors.

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This is a great shot. For the sake of discussion: the top of the image is less interesting. To give more strength to the trunk and the leaves, I'd have framed (or cropped) in a different way, something like the image I attached. But, I repeat, the image is great as it is.




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interesting choice you made of straightening the trees instead of the horizon. what an amazing scene this is and you captured it perfectly! the barks and branches of trees are completely covered with snow on one side and completely exposed on the other. 7/7!
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Actually, it reminds me a little of the Canadian painters, The Group of Seven. The image not only captures the experience of the icy environment, but also imparts isolation. I, too, like the colour left in the leaves, it immediately attracts the eye and is a nice touch to what would otherwise be a black and white photo.
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I love this shot, and to me the title really fits, as it seems the tree is waving good-bye. I wonder if that is what you meant. No one in the original go around picked up on this.
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