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Selfportrait with withered daisies


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I like the colour in the face, eyes, lips very nice. I'm not sure that the daisies are a good idea, it rather looks as if you have a bad breath problem (I'm sure you don't really).
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I don't agree with the previous poster. To me this image is very well done for sure (cut, composition, espression, colors) but the daisies really add a lot of "straniamento" (don't know the English word, sorry). Basically in this case, unreality through real world objects.

Very good!

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Daisies? Which daisies? :O) I find this original portrait taken with a very personal touch and style. Would love to see more of this kind of self portraits. Your eyes are very expressive: both with a camera and in front of a camera.
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beautiful. the stark facial expression in tandem with the withered flowers add depth and flavor and are what separate this from being just another shot of a pretty :D face.
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There is something extremely cruel in this photo... a sense of danger, as if the flowers died because of your presence (no, not bad breath). And the eyes are just piercing through the picture... like if I don't go away the same will happen to me.

you can send me dead flowers in the morning, you can send me dead flowers in the mail, you can send me dead flowers at my wedding, and I won't forget to put roses on your grave

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Bruno, I find your comment VERY interesting as well as the others. Of course daisies bear a certain message here..(if these are daisies, I am not good at flowers;)..The interpretation with the bad breath is funny and also surprising..it has never crossed my mind it could be seen like this;)...Anyway, the more interpretations the better...Thanks very much to everybody!!
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For me, the withered flowers could represent a lost love. From personal experience it's often a symbolic gesture for men to give flowers as a way of saying goodbye. I could be totally wrong here, but I'm guessing the flowers could symbolize some loss in your life, consciously, or subconciously. Your pose also seems very reflective, as you are in deep thought. Put the two together and there is a message here beyond a simple portrait. At least through my eyes.
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Jenna, this is interesting too. I would not like to give one certain answer. I was thinking about many things when I was taking this photo icluding what you have written and also Bruno's interpretation...but there is one more idea, one association here, that nobody so far has seen. Let it be an intrigue;)...
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This is the most stunning portrait I have seen in some time....WOW The light the eyes the play on color even the flowers....7/7
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Actually I do have another idea, but I don't think I should post that here. It's in the eyes! However I did notice you have been away from PN for awhile and when you returned you post this self-portrait. The withering flowers do signify some important event in your life or I doubt they would have been included here. Something significant has happened to you recently. I'm really curious now!


Edited my last sentence. Hopefully it went through!

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You are righ, Jenna, I would not consider this portrait interesting without the flowers...The flowers are the message.
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I have to admit that I see it in a completely different way now. It's kind of interesting to see how far the reactions of the beholders might be from the original intent.


It is true for literature, but maybe even more for photography, where the message is more hidden.


Probably Jenna got it at best, being a woman. What I got, now, is the end of a love story. Your make up is really well done and pretty here. In a similar situation I (but a lots of men) would be in an ugly setting... unshaved beard, dirty clothes and so on... most women, instead, try to show the best of themselves.


So I add another question: does this charming look mean only a "take your flowers back" or there is a hidden invitation to return? Because there is a message there, as well.


Natasha, it needs bravery to do such a shot and more to publish it. You're turning the inside out. I start commenting a photo and find myself somehow curious or at least wondering about your private life.


You're an artist!

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Bruno, I am myself curious about my private life:))... .Your last questions have taken a wrong direction .. the metaphore is a bit more complicated than "take your flowers back"...But I repeat, the more interpretations the better;)..Thanks once again for your interest!
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The little voice I hear when I look at this photography is something like this - My love is pure , innocent and sincere (represented by the expression on your face and make up) but at the same time what I have to offer is like these withered flowers, I didn't know they were that bad. They seemed so beautiful when I picked them up this morning, don't you like them ? -

You are aware of what is happening but still live in a dream, your half-dream.

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Natasha, Jenna hinted at something but did not want to say it, I'm not sure if she was thinking the same as I, that this represents a loss in your life but not through the break-up of a relationship. Have you recently suffered the the loss through death of someone you love?


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Somehow, you get us to concentrate on those beautiful eyes. I hardly even noticed the flowers. Now that takes talent! This is worth 7/7 in my book. BRAVO!
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The balance of colors in this image is astute. The highly saturated, but limited in area, red lipstick seems to hold the rest of the muted colors nicely. The black adds depth and the white stands out. Very nice.
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Natasha, absolutely beautiful portrait- twice as striking since its a self portrait.


I am in a black mood so for me this would show death. Flowers like people only last so long. They die. Some bloom on the stem and slowly fade into the garden to make blooms again next season while others are plucked and taken away cut to die.


No matter what the metaphor within this shot it is well done. I feel what ever caused the making of this, you have succeeded and done it justice.



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