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"Dreaming of Vermeer"


A80, ISO-50, f8, aperture priority, manual WB (very warm bias,) in-camera vivid, and hand-held. Manipulation: Removed a windmill blade, color balance in layers, and selective blur.

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Ok I wasn't very clear on that, let's say it's half-full but not as full as it is rated now. It's not so special, it's a shot many people have made before (I suppose, anyone visiting Holland can make this shot), and the yellow cast and blur don't make it so much better IMO, as indicated by the ratings.

But, that's just my opinion.

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Thanks for your feedback. . . . . .The Technical Details isn't conveniently visible, so here it is again: Canon PowerShot A80, ISO-50, f8, aperture priority, manual WB (very warm bias,) in-camera vivid, and hand-held. Manipulation: Removed a windmill blade, color balance in layers, and selective blur. . . . . . Chris, it was already clear the first time. I guess what I should've asked was, what would you suggest to make this better. Afterall, you recommended in your bio to comment "usefully." ^_^



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I've noticed this very nice composition of yours yesterday and if I saw the title you gave it I thougt to myself: No, Wilson, you are dreaming about the wrong painter. This isn't Vermeer. It must be an other Old Master because this is not the style of Vermeer, he wasn't a landscape painter. I was thinking the whole day about it and still I don't know. But I stay thinking and searching and if the right name is coming up to my brains I let you know, Wilson. In the meantime the wings of your mills keep going. Best Regards, Ada.
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Thanks, Ada. You're right. Jan Vermeer did not do much landscape at all, other than his "View of Delft" and "A street in Delft." When I was searching for a title, I nevertheless felt that for most audience, the name Vermeer more readily associates this image to your beautiful country, and therefore, named it accordingly. Ada, please let me know when you find out the artist's name, thanks. ^_^
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I really enjoy your windmill shots and this one is no exception, Wilson. Nice lighting and colors and I think the PS effects work well.
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I like this windmill-shot of your's best, Wilson because on one hand it's romantic, on the other quite "industrial" if you show how many are there, of course, flawless execution...
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this looks like "kinderdijk" is that where it is ?? I have several shots from there but none as nice as this one ...love the golden colors ..
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