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Aurora with Igloo, Brooks Range, Alaska, USA.


thanks for all the comments.It is a long exposure, I think it was way over 5 Minutes, Contax 645 - I had a Coleman lamp inside which I switched of I think after 1 or 2 Minutes. Shot on Provia 100 F.
Here you can find some more of my northern lights, aurora borealis pictures from Alaska and the Yukon.

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I like the interior lighting, but to reduce the tension in the composition between the igloo and Aurora, I'd have moved further back. Of course that's a longer distance to run to turn the Coleman on and off, but what the heck. It's 65 degrees as I'm typing this, and I may have a different opinion in February.
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Amazing image. Actually the image is good but the effort used to get the image is amazing. Just checked your site out. It is filled with great pieces.


I concur with the others that suggest more room bottom and right but even that doesn't truly detract from the image.

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A great Photo, yes it is. I'll be happy if some day i can enjoy myself with sucha a beautiful experience!!

my personal page host my pictures: http://es.geocities.com/im_verdu/index_eng.htm

I?ll send you some photo as soon as posible but for the momment I spect you to enjoy with this page.

Great photo!! I would like to see the photo without the igloo, perhaps naturality in that cse will reforce the photo, who knows??

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The picture is very great and but the convrestation is making me get tired and wish for the bedroom so if any would like me to insult them by saying there opinoin is not good about rolfs picture or there are to many bad pictures in there workspace compaired to rolfs I will do that or some one can say that about me and the convresation here will take off becasue right now every one is just saying wow and no one has said any thing bold. When I am the pow phootgreapher you can say whatevre you want about my pow and about my work becaue I can take it.
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I've read a few comments...but despite critics this is a great shot! I dont know what to examin first; the aurora or the iglo...the picture keeps you distracting and fascinating.


How many toes did you lose???

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Of course I love the photo, the inclusion of the igloo particularly. Technically it looks like the same technique campers use to make their tents glow in night shots - maybe a simple lightbulb inside the structure.


However, I think the igloo overwhelms the aurora here and almost erases the most interesting impression (for me) in the image; the reflection of the aurora on the snowy mountainsides. If I could have taken this image (and I most certainly could not have done so...) I'd have set up hundreds of feet "back", making the igloo a tiny illuminated figure in the distant snowfield. For me this would render the landscape more dominant, cold, enormous and serene. With the igloo so dominant in this shot, it seems almost cheery and human-centric.

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I like the emotion evoked by the image. Calm, safe (I have no idea why) and there's snow so it seems like a vacation or a holiday (sorry for the projecting)! After a few seconds I like the juxtaposition of the lighs in heaven and on earth, a nice balance IMO, technically and for lack of a better word, spiritually.


My questions are: who built the igloo and was it built just for the picture? It doesn't make any difference to my appreciation of the shot, but it could change my opinion on the amount of dedication necessary to get a great photo!

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I really do enjoy this photo. I think you did a wonderful job capturing the moment (even if it did take 5 mins!) Great Work, and I look forward to seeing more posted in the future!
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Am I the only one who thinks this looks like crap? Jesus POTW??? Seriously, Photo.net people...Why?
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I often wonder what if anything the photographer would change if they had the same

opportunity again.


The things I would suggest would be


A different composition, I think the idea of having the igloo against the dark mountains on

the left is a good option.


The igloo brightness dominates a bit too much.


An igloo is a home what about having some light on the ground leading into the igloo, the

colour of the light would probably be warmer than that seen thru the ice!


Nice shot and idea.

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The photo is indeed well executed! Congrats! My preference would have been to see all the stars nice and razor sharp rather than as dashes of light. Then it would have dazzled even more! You can achieve this by using a faster film. I have used Fuji Provia 400F pushed one stop to 800asa (that means you set the asa to 800, then tell the lab to "push process" the film by one stop). You can then shoot at f11 for 60 seconds with a 28mm wide angle, and achieve the stars as pinpoints, get the depth of field, and have the igloo nice and sharp too. You can see what I mean by checking this photo I took at http://www.remarkable-images.com/outofthisworld14.htm


My other sugestion would be for just a pinch more space on the right side of the igloo, and the bottom, just to let it "breathe a bit". But I am nitpikking here! Cheers!

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