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Poached Salmon Burghead

ian cameron

I frequently return to this spot i like the sinuous twist of the harbour wall at the ancient pictish town of Burghead. This time it had been raining and a heavy sea was lazily slapping the ramparts throwing up small plumes of spray. The sun managed to find a way past the clouds and bathed the whole scene in a very weak indirect light the colour of poached salmon. It was quite stunning. Please feel free to visit my website, Transient light, There are some superb new shots at Timecatcher too.

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Sublime light from indirect cloud cover and a weak sun stained the

whole scene in light the colour of poached salmon. I found it quite

beautiful. What do you think.

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Very nice indeed! Have you tried with a bit of the walkway included in the bottom left of the photo (rather than cropped off)? I was wondering about being able to 'walk into' the photo from the bottom edge? The colour of the light in the water - the reflection of the sky - is lovely!
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Wasn't so sure about the bit of pier sticking out of the left side, but after looking at it a while, it seems to provide a bit of weight against the rocks.
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I must admit I ummed and aghed over the bit of pier and I do think it is a counterbalance to the foreground rocks. I think cropping it off would have restricted the path of the harbour wall too much.
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The tone and atmosphere are just great. At first (when scrolling through the large shot), I thought the pier on the left is breaking the shot. But as I saw it as a thumb, I saw it's a necessary part of the shot... And a beautiful one... Jiri
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Agreed, it defintely makes more sense as a thumbnail. It seems the smaller the picture, the 'bigger' that bit of pier becomes. Interesting.
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I am also annoyed by the left pier, but I think this is mostly due to the roof of the building to have been painted green for navigational purposes.
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