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© copyright C. Carron

Big Brother's Handrail at London City Hall

colin carron


© copyright C. Carron

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Bravo! This is very surreal. Wonderfull perspective and composition. I especially like the minuature Tower Bridge in the background. City Hall looks like a majestic sea creature witht one of its tenticles extended towards the viewer. The only, and the minor blemish, if that, is the overly dark clowd at the top right. Wonderfull shot!
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Colin I really like how the curve is repeated and how it is juxtaposed with the straight lines of the steps. Interestingly complex composition.
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The lead in with the hand rail is very very good and the building sure is interesting, well spotted. Don't you feel however that the photo is just a touch unbalanced towards the right? It's probably because the building itself looks to be leaning to the right - could it be improved by moving the building slightly to the left - i.e. showing a bit more of the steps?




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its striking and original. wish the cloud in the upper right were not there. the brightness on the railing really draws the eye.
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Thanks David, Wernher, Ken, Ben. Wernher I agree with you a bit more on the right would have been good. The reason I didn't do that was that the sun was just out of frame to the right and I was already getting flare. This was as far as I could go. The other option would be to go up the steps and so the building moves relatively to the left. But I wanted the end of the handrails to be in the shot so didn't go for that option.
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I'd be pretty much repeating what everyone else has said. Good idea, great curve with a few lines for contrast, but a little busy on the left and imbalanced towards the right... but you've already explained these things... part of me wants to see a portrait version, but not sure if there would be enough room to be effective...
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Colin, very interesting angle you have chosen, that makes the building looking like a giant "walking" to the stairs....the curve that leads inside is adding as well to the interesting strangness of the image. Realy nice capture. Pnina
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The interest of the subject, the perfect composition, and the outstanding execution are the known trademark of Carron's house. And this is not an exception. Congrats!
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Thanks for all your comments and ratings!


Cristina, yes I took a walk around London (Tower Bridge to Blackfriars) a few days ago and this is the result!


Pnina, a giant climbing the steps? Nice idea!


Hans, It seems you are the one suffering from terrble barrel distortion now! Good idea, it brings the building over to the left. I'm not sure what the architect would say.


Michael, yes it reminded me of Martin's shot too!


Again thanks to all for the comments!



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