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© Copyright 2004 Howard J. Dion

Homeless in the park


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© Copyright 2004 Howard J. Dion

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I met the kind gentleman in the park. I believe he is homeless. He

had never heard of a digital camera and when I explained how it

worked, he thought that it would be a good place to live, inside my

camera, and allowed me to take his photograph.

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Howard, this works - your high-key effect in color. While I normally prefer that effect in b&w or sepia, it seems to work with this one (although I wouldn't mind seeing other versions). Interesting story to go with it, too. I like a story behind an image - it really adds something to it. I wish I had the courage to approach some of the characters in this town because there are some interesting ones, like this gentleman is. Maybe some day.... This image is very touching, Howard.
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Thanks for sharing the story, Howard. Kudos to you for taking this picture and bringing out the issue to the front. Many misconceptions, many misunderstandings, we're all human (Jayme would've added "-noid" for me at the end.)
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Howard, it can be called Photojurnalism.It is a very good image as usual with your work, but the story is giving it an added layer. Thank you for sharing, you brought something to that man's life, your human contact with him. Pnina
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I, like Kim, have a hard time asking to take an image of anyone other than a child. Maybe someday. This is wonderful. The colors are crisp and sharp, right down to the spots on his pants. His positioning looks relaxed and comfortable. It looks as though he has vetilligo on his hands, something I am very familiar with. I still just can't figure out how you burn and dodge and get the edges to remain so sharp and clean. A real art to this. You truly should do a show with all the people you have collected in your images. Nice job! And Wilson, "noids" only seem to apply to silhouettes! LOL
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I am intriqued how you succed to take portrait of all these people: I don't feel comfortable asking...But I like what you do a lot!
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I'll definitely join the club of those who don't have the courage to ask strangers for photos. (Although, living near DC, I often offer to take photos FOR strangers, so that they don't have to leave one of their group out of their picture of themselves in front of the White House, etc.) And, unlike Jayme, I have a harder time deciding to take pictures of children than of anyone else ... I am always concerned that I'll freak the parents out.


ANYWAY ... I love the story behind this one. Thank you for sharing it with us. And your treatment of this image is wonderful. The color in the high-key here works very well. The details are wonderful, and his expression seems to be speaking volumes.

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I enjoy your pictures very much ,this is one of my favorites,the colors,the expression on the man's face.Fantastic.


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