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ISO 200, 18-70, minimum aperture on a-priority, and tabletop tripod. Manipulation: Rotated, cropped, selective desaturation, and increased motion blur.

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This is great, But I dont like the title very much. When I first saw it, I saw the leaf with full of life. Just my opinion. But the photo its self is Great.



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Thank you fellow PNers for your kind feedback, I do appreciate them all.


Yes, Linda & Jared, as I was posting the picture with the title, I also find it ironic that the dead leaf is the liveliest thing in the image. Lets reflect on that thought a bit, shall we? Or, may be another interpretation is that the title implies its surroundings, and not the leaf itself? Think, think, think . . . ^_^

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Thanks Roberto and Peter for your comments.


Hasan Ghodrati asked via e-mail of how this image was done, so I figured I'll share with everyone (forgive me if you already know):


Duplicate layer > image > adjust > desaturate.

Erase the color area on this duplicated layer with "eraser tool" by varying the tool's opacity and feather amount as you see fit.


Alternatively, you can also select the area to keep with "lasso tool" and certain "feather" amount (if needed) > select > inverse > delete.


Flatten the layer, and that's it. Have fun. ^_^

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Thank you Wilson for your prompt response, I appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.


Kind regards - Hasan

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This is a 7/7 but the title just doesn't fit, I understand the leaf is dead and lifeless but this photograph illustrates the irony of the fall season so well, it is anything but lifeless; in fact it is life affirming...maybe no title at all would be sufficient. Wonderful work!!!!!!!!!!!
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Another great shot. How about posting it prior desaturating - just to compare. I love the way this photo presents itself and I would love to see what you saw to develop the finished product.

Thanks. rock

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While contemplating giving this a 7/7, I had to think for a second about the 'originality' part of the rating since there have been other "leaf in water" images, however since the addition of the motion blur and the selective desaturation has added so much to the image, I decided that its definitely worth the '7' - very nicely done. --Rich
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Dito to all above. Great use of multiple techniques pre and post-exposure.


What about the perfect leaf? Did you have to look long and hard or did you touch up the black spots in PS?

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Thanks everyone for your feedback. Appreciate all comments, really. As for comparison with the non-desaturated verson, here it is. There were no spots at all on this leaf, but it did took me a while to spot it.

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This is gorgeous, Wilson!! Sorry I didn't catch it sooner. The color on the B&W background is stunning here, and the motion in the water makes it even better. Gorgeous!!!
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