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Nikon N80, Nikkor 85mm f1.8, Portra B&W

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This is my beagle. Quite a thinker. I used my Nikkor 85mm with a

5T close up lens. Do you think the DOF is too narrow? Tried to get

his eyes as much in focus as possible, it's difficult with the 5T

close up lens. Did this photo work?? I used Porta B&W (excellent

film), Sepia tone done in PhotoPaint. Thanks.

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Next time, try using a wider angle lense, set up in a brighter space to allow a higher F stop, and get as close as the required depth of field will allow. I like the photo anyway, but an "in focus" nose would have made it even better.
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It doesn't bother me that his *nose* is out of focus, because it's a black thing and generally you don't want to see every little wrinkle on a dog's snout in the first place. But there is a sharp line demarcating the out-of-focus fur on the muzzle behind the nose and the fur on the face, which is visually distracting to me. Otherwise, I love this picture.
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I love how this photo looks, the focus is really drawn to the one eye, which is where it should be. It really personifies the dog.
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