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rick shaw in Kuakata


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I ignore if this photo was indeed made originally in color (the image details say Kodacolor Gold). If that is the case, I think this is an image that may benefit from color. I don't like the B&W tonality of your conversion to monochrome.


Aesthetically, I find the hand on the lower right distracting and think that might even improve by cropping down the right side to eliminate it.

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I do disagree too. Cropping the hand would remove the originality of this photo. I can not imagine the color version of it, but the way it is presented makes it one of my favorites of yours Fred. Delighted!
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Thanks for your comment,...The kodak Gold,,,is not the best...the original color doesn t work fine... I bought it,,,in this place,,,Kuakata...no more film... I just desaturated it with PS..and played with contrast and level.no crop..of course...
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I would like to explain how I got this shot,,,coz I did feel a little bit sad for a while about it. I was walking with my "Guide" (my client). It was 6 am in the morning....He was tired and suddenly decided to climb on a rick shaw. Without asking me "what about". The first rickshaw he saw, was ridded by this young guy...I didn t see it. He climbed on it, and I did the same without thinking..so quick. I didn't realize at the moment. The young guy was no more than 13 years old. One old man was already on it. The hand you can see. So, we were 3 adults...Before, the young guy was riding.With 3 adults,,,he needed to push the rickshaw....The young guy couldn t ride the rick shaw anymore. After 10 secondes..just after shooting this..I asked him to stop...I paid him..as a complete trip..,,,I went down, and I followed my way walking... I meet the young guy on the village...in fact, he followed me up to the motel...here he is.....

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You know Fred... I didn't bring any telephoto lens at all with me to Cuba. Also to stay "light" and use a small bag instead of a big one for my camera.


I went there with a 28mm and a 50mm. Shot 22 rolls. No more that 5-10 picture on more than 800 were taken with the 50mm. I know the addiction you're talking about... when I use the 50mm, it seems to me like I'm using a tele!

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Fred, beautiful background story to the shot. It changed my way of looking at this photograph. I didn't realized the bycicle was part of a rickshaw. You were very kind!. I cannot imagine how people can be so unkind, so cruel with other people. Amazing!.
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You and your Lieca's point of view done it again... The HAND must stay, it tells us why the boy so stuggles... If the boy's head was not on the dark side of the road I would die because of my jealousy (still jealous :=))
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tr賠bon. la d馯rmation du grand angle alli饠aux lignes de fuite fait un effet boeuf.

tous les 鬩ments se d鴡chent bien, ce qui rend la photo bien lisible :)

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Yep, A tri-x would have given wonderful details in shadows... but I'm curious... do you have the color version? I'd like to see it.
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I like the dramatic tonal variation in the b/w pix. Probably this is an example where bw pix has way more impact than color ...
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Not much to add. The wide angle is the way to travel for different reason. First its small, light and does not attract zillion of peoples. Second its quick to handle, you dont even have to look through your lense, no AF needed, because third there is a great DOF which makes you believe you sit on top of the head of your subject..you almost can smell it...need proof? Look at this magnificent shot from Fred. Great picture.. you are inspiration. Thanks.
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