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Fall River Pano

Erik Lundh

Some Photoshop

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I love the low perspective and crop in this one. I just wish there was only the central leaf, and not the stick laying partially on top of it.
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Very pleasant. However, Erik, if you transformed it in Photoshop, it isn't original, and it isn't a photograph anymore. It is now graphic art.
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I disagree that it isn't original anymore. Does that mean that any adjustment in PS makes it graphic art? Does it mean shooting with a fisheye or a telephoto lens makes it unoriginal?
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Mike has it correct.

If you "edit" it it's now changed from the "original scene", or what was there. If you choose to shoot with a different lens, you simply change the perspective, not the elements that make the scene. (This should be it?s own thread.)

But I like the shot! Very impressive. I like the shots like this that also have some color to them. Congrats!


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Erik, I believe that you are correct in stating that it is still original. Contrast adjustments, burning and dodging, color balancing, and cropping (among other things) are things that can and are done in chemical darkrooms. There's no reason why those can't be done in Photoshop and still have the photograph considered original. There are hundreds of different films out there: black and white, high contrast color, low contrast color, highly saturated films and low saturation films. What's the difference if you do the changes on the front end or the back end? In my opinion there isn't any difference.


When its all said and done, whether this image is still a "photograph" or not doesn't matter, because this is a beautiful image, and that's the important thing.


Nice job!

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