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Aqui si que has hecho una composicion muy original con buena definicion y buenos colores!!
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Personally I'm stunned at the high ratings this picture has received (or perhaps not!).


This is probably one of the worst quality uploads I've ever seen here.


The colour balance is way off and the saturation is far too high.


Also, the pose is none too pleasing with the cat facing away from the camera and the object behind the shoe is distracting.


All you mate raters are doing is drawing attention away from more deserving photos and doing your friends a disservice by lavishing gushing praise on poor pictures.

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p.s. Lluisa, if you really think this photo has good definition I would suggest you quit photography immediately and get yourself straight to the opticians.
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Lamento mucho que ese individuo se meta con tus fotos, es posible que sea por que ve que a mi me gustan. Desde que ingrese en PN hace mas de un anyo que cada dos por tres se mete con mis fotos y con la gente que me ratea llamandoles aduladores y otras lindezas, yo jamas he comentado ni rateado ninguna de las suyas, aunque hay alguna que no me disgusta. Una vez le conteste pero dije que era la primera y la ultima, ahora lo ignoro, pero es dificil, en el fondo creo que es un pobre hombre amargado. Aqui puedes ver una de sus ultimas intervenciones a una foto mia http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=2712931. Besos.
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Lluisa, no tienes por que preocuparte, no tienes ninguna culpa. Todo el mundo tiene derecho a expresar su opinion SIN OFENDER A NADIE, claro. Un beso muy grande.


Mark, I am glad to meet you

(we must be able to respect opinion of the others, you do not think so... ?



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Need for extra shoe shine? .. I dont think so...

and, YESSS... Seven is a very cruel man, once he roasted pigs in public place... so you can imagine what he can do to cats ...


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Para mi lo que tiene esta imagen es el efecto visual, la ves y te gusta, no parece estar hecha pensando en detalles tecnicos.
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Disounting all the garbage above. I think the idea of this is wonderful. I would have cropped a little differently and accentuated the portion I wanted the viewer to concentrate on a little more. But this does show your creative nature, Hope you don't mind, I couldn't resist playing in PS. Very cute idea.

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The image is also quite different. I hope you're not too bothered by insulting remarks about people rather than about the photo. Keep experimenting and posting.
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Jayme, mind me...? please, you are the one who takes care to put frame and to embellish plus my photos, I LOVE YOUR WORK, THIS ENCHANTS to ME!

A PILE OF THANKS. A big KISS for you.


Warms regards to ALL.

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Thanks Pedro, conoces el instinto felino?? como se puede pensar en tecnica tratando con estos esquivos y adorables seres... ??


I only want to say a true thing... ONLY who knows cats can understand the difficult to work whit them...


Best Wishes to all visitors!!



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It was fleeting, the cruelty comment I mean, I meant it "seemed" so and nothing more.


Too true Jacques, I have been known to roast a beastie or two - but I thought that was anonymous!


No harm intended. Pax & Ciao, Seven.

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