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© All rights reserved to Agnes Donnadieu Studio 2004
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From the category:

Fine Art

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You have got to be kidding me...I can't believe all the high ratings that this image has received. 1-its partially out of focus, 2-its acatually MOSTLY out of focus. It looks like most of the image was manipulated in PS but to what point? Sorry for venting at this particular image, but the high ratings of images which are mediocre at best is becoming ludicrous. If you would all start looking at images with the intent of helping others take better photos rather than patting each other on the back in order to get your images on the first page, than this site would be much better off.....OK I'm done
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so these are your only arguments? oh my.

By just quickly looking at your pictures i can tell you, why this image gets better ratings.

the composition is strong, eyecatching, and the image manipulation works.

this is art man! most of the stuff you see on this page (photo.net), is art!

earlier the images were manipulated in the darkroom, now they are in photoshop, time moves, as does photography, and it will move further on.

What if painting had not changed between renaissance and biedermeier? the same is now happening with photography, it's changing from analog manipulation in the darkroom, to digital manipulation on a computer - only because an image had obviously been edited in the computer, it doesn't mean that it isn't well done. think about it.




great image, perfect editing, perfect composition. it simply works. 7/7 - well done.

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just wonderful!!!! the way dhe is holding her hands, is a very nice detail, i love this whole photo, even with the dog ;-) cause usually i don't like dogs, and animals on photos....but in this case its different!!!
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Comparing my images to anything like this is like comparing apples and oranges - My stuff is not intended to be art - merely a record of things I observe. If you do a search of the top photos (bt average) of the last five years, you'll see some truely stunning work - most of which I think you would also consider art. For example, take a look at the portfolios of these contributors:







All of these and many more are standards by which I judge and evaluate images in order to qualify for a '7' rating. This image and others in the portfolio simply do not meet those criteria. I'm sorry if my standard of 'art' does not match that of the others here, but I just don't see that this image meets the criteria for a 7/7. --Rich

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really...some people here are getting me nervous...after your bright demonstration, ritch, I only need to provide one answer : take 5 minutes and visit : http//:www.donadieustudio.com


maybe, if the temperature is fine, if everything is cool around, going there - maybe - you will learn that photography is not just a question of focus...


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We all learned about focus, in focus, out of focus.. well maybe one of the first rules,no? Then later we learn about colors, color combinations and so on. We learn about rules of third and how to crop, to use a frame.

And then? If you follow all this rules you get a great shot? No, wrong!!!

If Ilook at some of the greatest shots of all time, a lot of them are grainy.. or out of focus, or no rule of thirds, or cropped "strangely". The beauty about photography is that often the best pictures break all this rules to show us something we dont see on a daily base. Almost all of these photographs though have one thing in common: Content, message, emotion!.. so does this photograph. It does not only capture what I see, but more important, what I cant see! It triggers emotions and tickles my senses. it stimulates my brain.

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I love this fanciful image. Light, dreamy and romantic I'd expect Audrey Hepburn to be at the top of those legs! Superb sensitive created image. I wondered how many takes/attempts you made at this particular image before you were happy with this end result? The best thing about your images is that they defy all the conventional rules for photography yet they illustrate very simple and somewhat conventional themes and emotions. Just lovely image creation!
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