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Nude and Erotic

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Like the strong use of shadows. Larger version looks harsher (to bright) but thumbnail size is much better. Nothing draws me into the scene, perhaps look for a photo inside the photo or back out for a bit more overall view.
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I could never understand the reason for making the nude female body and especially their breasts so harsh, i.e. high contrast. Nor can I understand the reason for cutting off of her head, i.e. as if she has no personality or humanity. If there was to be any cropping, it should have been done in the viewfinder and you should have cropped out the bottom a little more.


As for exposure and development, years ago I would have used Plus - X with Microdol-X at a 1:3 ratio; overexposed slightly and under developed. Currently, I cannot offer any darkroom suggestions, since I haven't shot, developed, and/or printed B & W in a long time. However, with more time, patience, practice and a better understanding of your subject would have made this a far more outstanding piece of work.


By the way, if you haven't seen the movie "Calendar Girls" it might be worth a look and widen your horizons a bit by allowing the women to express themselves sensually in a more comfortable manner.


Finally, if you have the money available, find yourself a good used Leica enlarger with a Leica lens, i.e. Focomat or Valoy models with a Leica Focotar lens. The use of such equipment will expand your tonal ranges immensely, etc.


In the meantime, best wishes.

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I could never understand why some photographers can't just look at an image and give a critique based on what they see and not what they "want" to see. If you like it say so, if you don't say that.


But to insinuate that one artist should follow another's particular vision is absurd. Or that an artist needs to widen their horizons by narrowing them and conforming to what others think is an acceptable approach to nude photography or any type of photography. A photographer (one who is creating art for themselves and not producing a product for a customer) has a vision of an image that is their own, not the subject's. If this is how the minds-eye sees it, this is how it should be, high contrast, unorthodox crop, over of under exposed highlights or shadows and all. Yes, we all want to learn new and different techniques, but often times we want to create our own.


That the tonal range of this photographer's work is somehow limited by the equipment that is used is another fallacy, as someone stated in their bio, it's the artist not the equipment. The C/C/C (contrast, crop, composition) can be, and often is, a conscious choice for some photographers with vision, (those of us who see the world a little differently).


My personal take on this image; I like it just the way it is. As a matter of fact I like this whole folder just the way it is. Renz has been in my Favorites for some time for just the reason that this image has been knocked.


The unorthodox approach and unwavering vision is what I like about Renz' work and is also what have striven for in my own. After wasting my time trying to please everyone but myself I can finally say, I like what "I" like, and I'll create what "I" create.


Before anyone gets the idea that this is a personal attack on those who posted comments before me let me make it as clear as I can, IT'S NOT! It's just a total difference of opinion. If anyone doesn't believe me and wants to go and trash my folders, go ahead, it's what I live for. As I said before, I like what "I" like, and I'll create what "I" create.


Sorry I couldn't resist, rant over!




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