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I love this. It's the most creative use of paperwork I've ever seen. Seriously, the composition is entrancing and strange. I think of the catacombs for some reason.
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Well, what can I say - I'm really a frustrated office worker, and when you pass these things day after day, you have some wierd thoughts on occasion. So glad you've enjoyed it! Ellen
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Fun and original! The randomness of the binder clips, crushed papers and spaces add a nice element of interest. I interpret the black bands to be jail bars??...probably because I find paperwork so oppressive ;-)
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Before reading your comment I could sense in the picture a feeling of oppression and frustration from paperwork. Reading your comment confirms it and puts it into perspective... which means you really hit target with this shot. I think the vertical black lines make it into transforming it into a prison.
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Great! The perfect depiction of our endless bureaucracy and the world that it forces us to live in, very well aestheticized (if that's a word... :) )
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To be totally honest, I can't remember the specific PS effect I used on this one - I'm gonna have to start taking notes! I'm actually just starting to learn some PS work, and usually just sit down with an image and play with it until I find a look I like! Sorry I couldn't be more specific. Cheers, Ellen
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No problem. I know what you mean about taking notes. I've recently started. i haven't played around much yet with PS's effects filters though, and often don't particularly like how people use them. I like the idea though, so I'll just experiment some more. Cheers,



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I love the scenes with which we come in contact every day and walk right past. It becomes part of the ambient environment; it is just there. BUT when you stop and look - patterns and beauty emerges. Good eye Ellen. neal
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