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IR, 0546


This is from my first ever attempt in the IR photography. There are a number of very good IR photos by some members here and compared to those this one may not look very good. I would really appreciate all kind of comments/guidance as I'm sure people with more experience can help.

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I'd really appreciate comments/critiques as this is my first attempt

in IR field and I'm sure it can get better than this but I would need

some guidance.

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Hi Mahmood,


First of all, I want to thank you for your comment and to congratulate you for this lovely image.


You got a great result - nice IR tones and good sharpness. I also like the idea that you didn't forget the composition (it sometimes happens when you get enthusiastic from a new effect).


So keep on shooting and welcome to the IR world:)


p.s. - I'll send you to your private e-mail a few links with some IR tips.


Have a great evening, allon.


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A beautiful photo, I love the contrast of the sky to the trees. However, my eye was distracted by the shadow from the bench. Still, it's wonderful.
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great picture Mahmood. just that the blue sky seems a bit out of place since the rest of the picture is pure IR. maybe you could composit the rest of the picture with a colored layer as well or keep the sky original IR? see how it turns out. very nice composition.
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Thank you all for your kind and positive comments.

Arif, Robert thanks for the nice words.

Allon, thanks for your warm comments, welcome and the helpful links/tips. I try to put a version without colored sky for comparison.

Lauren, Jay and Igor thank you for the nice comments.

Antonym, thanks for the comment and the suggestion, from the beginning the sky was original IR as the rest of the photo but I wanted to do something different with it. I can load the picture without the colored sky, see the link below.

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