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The west coast of Denmark,

ml eriksson

Sigma 24-70, Handheld, exposure unknown, f/8, polariser. Cropped in photoshop.

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A few friends of mine, however not linked to this great forum, have

given me praise on this shot of the west coast of denmark. Id love

more comments on it.

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The tiny-but-distinct person and the sweeping grandeur of the coast set each other off wonderfully, inspiring all sorts of deep philosophical thoughts. *8)


This would make a good poster.

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I think the combination of a strong compositional statement and a relatively weak tonal statement basically works. I'd like to see the photo a little more colorful, but I realize that's not happening under these conditions, found so often in this area of the world. Given a large, rather grayish expanse with little color, I wonder if a more intimate look, perhaps at the plants in the foreground, or a zoom of the person, might offset some of the tonal monotony just enough... (?)
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