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Have seen a photo like this before, also some spoons for a egg and the egg cooked better. Is this one the second edition?
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Found this one on my harddrive. I had it labeled Tomo R - "Let's Go, Just Do It"



I suppose if I hadn't seen it already I'd think this was a pretty creative idea, and although imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, it's also a bit annoying from a creative standpoint.

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Well, when I did my version of this many moons ago, at least I was upfront and tried to give credit to the photographer I captured it from. Who knows, the version I saw may not have been original either. Though I like it, this photo is not original at all. Just like in writing, perhaps we should all cite our reference in photography. Or we just try to always create an image concept that has never been done before, to the best of our knowledge, of course.
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In the medium of photography "originality" is difficult achieve. How many thousands of pictures of Half Dome, peppers, tomatoes, nudes, still lifes, sunsets, horse races, churches, wagons, cars, etc., have we all seen.

When viewing and rating pictures seldom have I seen anything that would rate above a 1 if originality was taken in the literal sense. For my part when rating aesthetics means "how does the image make me feel?" and originality is a combination of does this picture offer something new in the context of something seen a thousand or more times and probably more importantly is the image produced with technical expertise, or by accident?

This image strikes me as beautiful and an excellent metaphor. Moreover, the background, details in the egg, shading and exposure all come together to offer an image that is better produced and technically it is executed in a superior fashion to any prior version that I may have seen (which I can remember images from a Photo II class more than 25 years ago).

All in all, still a 7/7

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I love this photo, much better than the other one. I think it would look great in a Doctors surgery/Sperm bank you know what I mean. I dont really care if not really original I mean what photos are anymore?? Well done!! I think by the time my hubbys ready for children my eggs will be a bit crispy around the edges. lol.
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I am not familiar with the previous versions of this image, but certainly this version is fantastic. Regardless of the originality of the idea and your will to create a new version, the technical execution of this one is top class. The lighting and the background make it stand up with strong aesthetics. It is not easy to capture such beauty in an image that could be lame unless you add your powerful vision to it.



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Even if the idea is not stolen the tablecloth is. I'm sure it's the one that went missing off my clothesline. Still, I think the allusions to the Royal Familly work, what with the silver spoons and manky DNA. I still like it.
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