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Maybe it's my monitor... but I would like to see more detail in the person out front. Good feel to it otherwise.
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That's me and I think I sould be less dark since I'm disapearing in the background. Jimmy, I think that you did a great job of turning this one to B&W and the composition you came up with is really good. However, the lack of details in the person (me!) is killing it a little. Is I remember well I think that I was pretty much 'concentrated' on my Pentax. This, I would like to see it. Also, the grain in the sea/mountains/sky is too much heavy because I feel we loose the layered effect because of the grain. It is hard to distinguish the mountains. But overall, I do like this photo and I feel you are on the right path to use PShop efficiently to present your vision of the world. Hope you will watch out for those highlight/shadows carefully in your next movie but I when seeing this photo, I feel you have the right vision for the black & white scenes.
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And I think that you could have forgot the last layer of your frame. The last grey border is hurting more the photo than helping to present it in my opinion...
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Thanks to both of you for your comment. I'm agreeing with you, the person on that picture (you Stephane) is lacking details, but since you were wearing a black cap and a black t-shirt, the position you're taking, looking at your pentax, make it very difficult to get some detail since your face isnt shown at all. For the grainy aspect, one more time I agree with you Stephane, but the picture got a lot more grain when I saved it for the web. What can I do to prevent that?
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I guess it is the way you save it for the web. Because now, photo.net do not recompress the full size images and I see the same grain on the full size image than on your reduced size image. I know this photo was taken in color since you used my G3 for it. What I suggest is that you use a noise reduction software on the color image and the do your black and white conversion. Also, how do you convert your photo to black and white? I would try the channel mixer if I were you Jim. It is to me the best way to get a good b&W.
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Hi Jimmy,


Not seeing the face adds to the feeling, I really like that, goes well with the caption. But, as Stephane suggested, it'd work better if you dodge a little his arms and legs IMO. That would draw the attention to him.


Did you 'sharpen' the picture a lot in PS ? This might also explain the grain increase. I've never noticed a huge impact of the desaturation method (desaturate vs channel mixer) on grain.


Bests, Fred.

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Thanks for your comment. I did dodge his legs and arms to bring some attention on it, but maybe not enough. And I did not add a lot of sharpen to the picture, I truly dont understand why it became so grainy.
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The composition balanced by the two big trees and the far away layered hills is eye catching. The lack of detail in the foreground black....I hope you don't mind, I played in PS using 'selective colours - neutrals. Was able to lighten the foreground by much. Seems to work but probably will need burn tool help too. Just a thought :)
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Thanks for your comment. I know some people often post with there comments the changes they suggested or tryed. I'm curious to see the result of your trying, since i'm not a photoshop pro. If you can, dont hesitate to show me the results.
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By the way, your doing such a great job with fog. I took a longer look at your portfolio, amd its amazing. I wish I can continue to improve my photo skills, but my camera doesnt work anymore, so I have to wait... But sometime one of my friend who is also on this site, st鰨ane robichaud, is kind enough to let me use one of is camera... Anyway, thank you for your time.
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Oops...nearly forgot:)

Jimmy, I'm not good with PS at all..but like fiddling. Can't remember how I lightened this the first time, here, I used levels and selected colours and added sepia...what do you think?

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Thanks for what you tried with my picture. I do like some part better on your version, and some on mine. The greatest improvment I found in your version is the ground part beiing much clearer wich allows the viewer to see more details. But, I did prefer the sky the way it was and the person on the bench too. For the sepia colors, for this one I prefer black and white. What I liked most in the original version was the graphical aspect of this picture. The two biggest problem to me was the fact that we dont see the person's face at all, and that the ground was a bit too dark. You solved one of them, but for the otehr one, the face, it will be very difficult since its not on the picture. Thanks a lot for your time and come back to my portfolio soon, I will put some new pics and I believe my technic has improved... but I'm not sure :o)
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