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"Reflecting on a Sunny Day"


ISO-200, 80-200, f8, 1/250, hand-held, and cropped. Manipulation: Minor saturation and slight distortion.

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And again, I love it!! Did you flip it, or was this how your camera saw it. The water/reflection definitely gives you a painterly feel. The blue of the sky is also captured wonderfully in the water. Great work!
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And a painterly image you achieved. More reflection (pun intended) of that creativity of yours, not to speak of the great aesthetics. I also rate this a 7/7; I'm with Howard on this one.
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Wilson, I'm going to mess with you and hope you have a sense of humor ......... (-;


I don't like opening your page and seeing a view of you from your shoes point of view -- I'm sorry but maybe it is a Texas thing - I don't know ......... been meaning to say that - I feel better now, thank you. Come up to Oregon and I'll put you in the basement window with a ostrich Eggg ......... (-;


I like the effect you have achieved here by using the '10 cups of coffee' method - very rhymic camera shake you have going here ... !

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Thank you all so far for your feedback.


Ken W.: Dude, funny you should mention that. I felt kinda, "funny" when shootin' it. Alrighty then...I'm glad you get it off your chest. I'll look into a different view point for a self-portrait then, and indeed, I am heavily in to caffiene...and that's why I'm still writing at this moment (and obviously, so are you.) ^_^

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Very nice the reflections, superb colors, good idea with the flip. It?s an effect you still need water for, almost impossible with PS alone (any freaks out there ?) Regards, Carsten
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Nope, can't think of anything to suggest. Damn. Ignoring the relfection effect for a second, I like the tight comp, the framing of the building. I like how the diagonal of red( flowers, yes?) takes the eye to the patch of brown at the corner, which then takes you up the full height of the house. The triangle of light adds balance to the dark left half, the brown patch top-left corner mirrors the bottom right... nope, no suggestions, grrrr...
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Wilson, I like this alot. It's true that if you spend your day standing on your head that you need a strong drink at the end of it. I'm always intrigued by the different textures you get from a reflection. The very fine ripples create a painterly stroke here and the light on the building is great. I find it difficult to decide if a reflection shot should be shown flipped or not. I recently entered my houseboat photo in a contest and left if up to the convenors. They hung it flipped. What do others think?
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I really like this one. I think flipped was the right choice - makes it look like a rather abstract painting of a house. Very cool, Wilson.
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Thank you ladies and gents for your feedback so far. Hanna, admittedbly deciding which way to orient a reflection image is probably the biggest decision to make. On a sunny day reflection shot where the blue water gets really dark, it becomes even more critical, because psychologically the dark, blue water looks fine naturally up-side-down, but once flipped, it will immediately looks too dark. Some times it works, some times it....
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Wilson: This is like a fine painting. I love the texture and the colors, it is a wonderful photo. I've now scanned your (large!) gallery, it is one of the finest I've seen on photo.net. Your work is fantastic!
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