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Evening sky at Ile de Sein - Brittany.


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This is a wonderful shot, the calmness of the sea, the ominousness of the sky, the life in the slightly tilted boat, nice blue tones... A great shot in all... Jiri
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This is one of the best landscape pictures I have seen here on Photo.net.. the color an tone is just ..superb! incredible capture.


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Great shot and PS work. I love the clouds, but for me, something doesn't look quit right with the ripples and the strong reflections in the foreground. Still VERY nice!
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Why the heck do we cheat and deceat !!! I dont see any waves coming from the boat and the water looks computergenerated... Why cant we just tell people how it is... Photo or computergenerated or both. I dont get it.....
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Dear RON, before criticising get yourself straight. Contrarily to your belief, the water is perfectly natural with the boat. There is no computer behind that. WHAT YOU SEE WAS REALITY! But, what didn't shock you, the reflection on the water, IS slightly PS (enhanced reflection). I find it quite relevant, people who are impermeable to computer modifications, don't even know how reality can be!
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Salut Al, ton commentaire sur le style PN ma bien fait sourir =), c'est vrai que c'est exactement le genre de photo qui se retrouve en 1ere page des galleries et qui plait beaucoup en general. Je t'avoue que ce n'est pas mon style prefere et j'ai comme l'impression que toi aussi tu prefere la photo creative.. En tout cas tu nous montre encore une nouvelle facette de ton talent, c'est une photo tres reussit bravo. A mon avis, c'est ta photo la plus "casual" et c'est elle qui semble retenir le plus l'attention.. dommage
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