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© (c) 2004 kyle cassidy

The Bush and Cheney Families, RNC, Thursday


1600 asa shutter speed about 1/250


© (c) 2004 kyle cassidy

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A very good picture from a journalistic point of view. It's informative and gives a good idea of the closing of the convention. Not too sure about your subjects though ;o)
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That is an odd zoo indead.... you can't even see the cage they keep those poor animals in. It's funny though, cause the monkeys seem happy that they have all that attention. Oh well seeing the beasts all happy makes me have second thoughts on the diaproval of keeping animals caged... hey wait a minute, those are no apes that's.... hey no. Wow for a second there, i almost mistook the tallest monkey for someone. Though they should dress 'em up so silly.
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When i saw this photo i got the most wrong impression ever. I went into your gallery waiting to see hick pics. On the contrary i must indeed say you've got some really nice photos,I like your taste, ain't many people that post stuff like that on photo.net


I gather that you went to this rally, cause you just wanted to take the piss right?

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The blobs are distracting but they also give you a sense of the crowd and the energy of the crowd. The little thumbs up from Bush is good. It definitely indicates some kind of moment captured. Was this when he accepted the nomination?

How far away were you? I'm assuming that the good spots to take photos from were difficult to get. I saw the single photo of Bush on your site. What struck me about it is that he seems older than I imagine him as being.

I guess the logical inference you can draw from the guy who expected "hick pics" is that you were somehow successful at putting Bush in a positive light, that the photo makes all four of them look good. Perhaps the framing? But I don't know. I've seen Cheney's wife on TV and she looks much better than she does in this photograph. I had no idea she was that, hmm, rotund.

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1/1??? Seems like who's in the picture determines what rating it gets... The only problem that stands out in my mind is that you have some dead space on the top, and that you cut off the Cheneys' feet (solution, loose the space and keep the feet!). The 'blobs' give a sense of crowdedness, which is fine.

Chris: Careful what you say or the zookeepers, er Homeland Security will be after you. ;)




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ok, hick pics was a retarded term... i ment i was ready to find a gallery of some weirdo that loves george bush. With pictures of SUV's cayboys and so on... (yes yes retarded assumption).
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I am personally not too crazy about the blobs. I find them distracting. People here on photo.net seem to have a problem with separating their hate for the subjects from a critic. Overall, it is a good photo and does indeed play positively upon the subjects. I'd crop the blobs out if it were me, though.


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yea i'd say lose the blobs, they dont really add all that much. if at all possible get the feet back in the photo. that's the one thing wrong with it. you could also level it out.
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The comments people have made here really open my eyes about the this community. I thought it was all about helping others get better at something they truly love to do not make some lousy political statement. Hey man, if you loose the blur, ( crop tighter?) this could 've been on the front page of any news paper in the country. Its a good depiction illustrating an event that happened in our society. Isn't that what good photo journalism does?
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Its a good thing to add foreground and information, by using parts of people around you.It would give a sense for the crowd. Maybe even a flag or something. Saying this, I must agree at the same time with some previous comments, that in this case I would crop it out, because its too close and too blured to add the needed information or feeling to the photograph. Its a good shot over all neverless.
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The level of hate and hypocrisy from the left, that is. Talk about labeling, stereotyping, calling people names...I thought liberals were against all that.

Rating decent picture 1/1 or 2/2 just because you hate the subject.Wow, some level diversity and tolerance that is.

5/7 -blob on the left a little to big for me.Originality is 7 just because it's not common to see other side on this board. Comments above just prove my point.

BTW, liked the Kerry pic as well.

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who are these people? where are the blades?

Otherwise, you caught nicely the color cross matching of the ties on the guys and the dresses on the women.


by the way, have i seen the guy in the blue tie donning leather & a whip in one of your other pictures or is it just me?

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I LIKE the blobs. I've shot from those kinds of press pens (bullshot pens?) and had that same kind of very narrow telescope view with people's heads impinging on both sides of my visual field... So I suppose you could argue that you've got much more of the "you are there" than the typical "and here's the candidate on the stage" shot...

Works for me...

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love the way the VP is seeming to look right at the camera, and i like the blurring on the sides. cool shot, well done.


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