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Fishing at Twilight

About 40 minutes after sunset. ISO 100, 20 seconds at F25, evaluative metering, shutter priority, tripod. Levels, color balance, and USM. **BEST VIEWED LARGE**

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Very nice work Jen! Really sweet!


The blurring effect (if added) of the water really adds to the calmness of this photo. If this is the actual water as you took the shot, wow. Very smooth.

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I like the blues in this one that are absent in your other submission. The Oranges blend into the slate blues well. Nice capture!
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The colours are great and the silouette effect of the lighthouse is really made special by the light coming off the two windows. I like it that the lantern itself is not overexposed and I think the two human figures put everything into scale.


The only little thing which puzzles me is the position of the horizon. I understand it is studied such to see the water behind the lighthouse, what is nice. Unfortunatly, this cuts in two the human figures. Now, rising a bit the horizon would have had all the human figures in black over blue, which is little visible. So I find myself wishing to have the jetty of the lighthouse level with the horizon: one would lose the water behind it, but have also the human figures nicely against the red part of the picture, and hence more visible, as they deserve!

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Thanks for the great feedback. TC, it was a relatively calm night on the water. It wasn't glass calm, because there were boat waves from the fishing boats going out, and there was a slight breeze. The calmness you see was achieved from the motion of the water over the time lapse of the exposure, which was 20 or 30 seconds in length. This is also how I achieve the star effect on the light, from the length of time and the light filtering through the shutter blades on the camera. Salvatore, thanks for your ovservation on the position of the horizon. I had the tripod at full height, which normally I shoot at waist or mid-chest level. I think if I had dropped to my normal position that the horizon would have dipped behind the end of the pier (jetty) and been level with it. A great observation next time I get up there. This location is one hour from my home so I know I will be back!
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Excellent job on an excellent exposure. Creates a wonder serene mood with superb hues. Looking foward to viewing more images from this location.
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Hi I love this picture well all your pictures I love colour and this has it all. Were I live we have a light house but we don't seemed to get a great sunset like this one :-)
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Wonderful pictures Jenifer.  This series on the Ludington lighthouse is particularly important to me... I asked my now wife to marry me in the top of this lighthouse :)  Good memories.



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