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© © David J. McCracken

M I R A G E - I I



© © David J. McCracken

From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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I like it. It's effective and evocative. I wonder, though, if the pose in the original photo might have worked better than this, sans the cloth of course. We could debate the effect of the pubic hair here; that's why I'd like to see the original pose.
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Joao / Knicki. It is interesting that you should both comment consecutively. If looking at the colour version, I would have to say I prefer the 'M I R A G E' too. However, if looking at all the versions then I would have to agree with Knicki. Please don't tell Owen. I would hate for him to find out there is a black and white version of a photograph that I actually prefer. Thank you both.
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I think I prefer I. The cloth adds femininity to the body and the bit of colour does work well with the general paleness of the picture. Cheers.
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I am definitely a 'let the imagination run wild' kinda guy and generally find sexy lingerie infinitely more erotic so I have to go with the 'with' version David. Nice image none the less.



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I actually think the color version is far more effective than the black and white. The "mirage" effect washes out too much in b-and-white; the color gives a tone that is a source of depth. I'd like to see this photo with the original pose, which was more from the rear, without the cloth. I think the rear shot would show more curves of the buttocks, and that could add an interesting design element.
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Well if I had scrolled down I would of seen the B & W version before I grabbed it and did it myself. I personally like it in B & W better, but I like the color version as well, just not as much. :)
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I hear what you are saying and would not argue with you.



'With the with.' That is an interesting part of a sentence. It sounds like a good title for a photograph. I'll see if I can come up with an idea. (Don't hold your breath.) Glad you like it for whatever reason.



Your time in giving me your opinion is appreciated. As I said, I prefer the colour version of the 'with' and the b&w of the 'without.'



The perfect answer! I do like it. As for a series, please ask any of your models if they are available and I would be happy to oblige. (Somehow I think I am dreaming.)



It's good to know you like the both even though you prefer the colour one slightly.



'A scene from Psycho is about to take place....' I wont even try to think what is going on in your head. However, the model is still alive!


Thank you all!



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