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bobby douglas

Technical Details? Its Just A Picture

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"Never would even think of using 90mm for landscape....or a piece of film larger than a postage stamp?... t

(Nice work, Bobby. Really nice. The saturation is not hard to believe, even though it's not Velvia. Fuji makes the best landscape trans film, no doubt.)

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I believe the 90mm lens on a large format outfit like used here, is comparable to something like 27mm on a 35mm outfit. This is definitely not what my 35mm camera shot at 90mm would look like. This IS a wide angle view.


Wheres Bobby been??

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This is the type of picture you can look at for a long time (especially if you've got a massive print of it)! Nice shot Bobby.
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Well done. The foreground trees framing the mountain and the cloud lines leading to it make this picture really captivating. It seems like the whole picture converges to focus on those distant mountains.
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One of the nicest landscape photos I've seen so far. I started counting the blades of grass...but sorry, no total - there are other photos to view :-) The clouds lead the eyes to the mountains in the center of the image, and the colours are just peachy. Would like to go hiking there. I have to go...starting to drool on my keyboard.
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Nothing but an absolute "WOW!" Great shot. Nothing beats being in the right place at the right time when nature decides to put on an awe-inspiring show. Terrific composition. Excellent vantage point to capture this exquisite scene. Good eye and excellent technical achievement, too. 7/7
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Excellent capture and presentation! As far as your comment: "I'm glad you like it, I did get very lucky...", I'm reminded of Arnold Palmer's remark: ?It?s funny, but the more I practice the luckier I get!? You have another great shot to a spectacular portfolio. Luck is another term for preparation, skill, awareness, knowledge and patience. You can quote me.
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