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This squirrel had me worried - I thought she was dying! I think she was just tired of waiting for me to quit taking pictures so she could steal the birdseed! A few seconds after I took this, she hopped up and scurried away.

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Hi Kim, she is really cute, and after your great story is understandable that she is really tired. Great job as always, you are developing a fan club for your shots, and I am member of it.
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Thanks to everyone for the kind words. Mark, I think it would be better for everyone to think I'd put vodka in the feeder rather than stabbed her with a needle - yuck!
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Kim, as said by everyone else....this is cute! But more than that. You have wonderful instincts with composition...not always easy to concentrate on both that and the moveable (usually) subject. I take my hat off to you!
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Linda, the more pictures I take, the more I concentrate on what the finished photo will look like before I shoot. Sometimes I try to be in the right position at the right time and hope something comes along. This one was at a completely different angle than I had planned for my bird shots, but I was able to get the shot anyway by slowly turning. Howard, this was definitely one pooped squirrel!
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I just don't think people understand how tough being a professional model can be. I mean look at those super models, they just look exhausted all the time, they have no time to eat or rest poor things! You caught this little beauty between photo shoots is all. No wonder she looks pooped out.


LOL. Great capture Kim. I have a photo similar where a squirrel was laying flat on it's belly like this on a stone wall in the shade. It was a very hot day... (aren't they all hot down here?)... and we figured that it was trying to keep cool the rocks.

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Yes, it's always hot here, too, Regina, but I really think this squirrel was a new mom and we all know how exhausting childbirth can be! I think I probably felt exactly like that each time I had a baby, except I fell onto a couch, rather than a tree branch.
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Kim, I just spent a couple of weekends trying to photograph hummingbirds. This wildlife photography thing is quite time consuming for me, I am working on a still life now, whew (still lifes, they don't run away...) ps. this is a teriffic shot!
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Becky, squirrels are easier than birds, but the main thing is to get to know their habits and be prepared. Some birds land on a certain branch every time so you can focus there and be ready. (Of course, that's the time they pick another one, but that's beside the point)!
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I know there must be a Gary Larson caption in this somewhere. Were her back legs also similarily draped over the branch? You have such great vision Kim!
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Colin, the port is too expensive to waste on squirrels (or even Ed, for that matter - I make him drink wine!). Thomas, here's the full (or almost full) body shot.

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Ken and Gaetan - this was an unusual pose for a squirrel, although I guess they get tired, too. It does seem more cat-like posing than squirrel-like.
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Thanks, Marcos. This one still brings a smile to my face when I look at it again. And on a Monday, it's especially something I can relate to!
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That will work, Leonid! I've made notecards from this photo to cheer people up when you're having "one of those days". :)
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Wow, Great Shot, ...this is how I feel right now at 8 3/4 mos pregnant with a 3 y/o toddler. I bet this does make everyone smile :o)
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Kellen, this had been one very pregnant squirrel just the day before this shot. It's tough being pregnant, but tougher still being responsible for little ones. All the best for your new addition!
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Well this is a really great shot. I have never seen a squirrel lay down on a branch like this. Thanks for the laugh, my husband even chuckled and my 13 year old daughter loved it.
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