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salvage 4

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Just curious Peter....if this kind of thing isn't for you then why bother commenting or rating? Too cluttered, while technically a comment doesn't really help me much. Don't get me wrong I suppose it's better than being ignored.... well just slightly. Ah hell you're not alone. Look at the ratings.....all over the place. So I guess my question truely is this...... if a critique is based solely upon a persons likes or dislikes then of what value is it other than to state a prefference?





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Well, "too cluttered" is a reason and one you could even define is a way. There is no portion of this that catches my eye. All parts of the photo are pulling at me. Yes... it is a 'persona' preference but all comments are personal preferences.


I know some people will like the abstractness of this, which is why the ratings are all over the place. I could I suppose not add a comment but I'm trying to make habit of always commenting if I'm marking something off the centre of the ratings. This strategy is obviously not to everyone's liking, just as not commenting also annoys people.


I think I'll stick to adding comments. And try to remember those who don't want them.

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Fair enough Peter. But ,if i may suggest that comments which deal with the formal principles of good design are not exactly subjective. A poor composition or bad lighting for example are faults regardless of personal taste. The only exception which overrides these principles that i can see is their deliberate exploitation to produce a mood or wanted response. I find examples of this kind of thing usualy have other characteristics which carry the viewer long enough for them to make that connection. But hey.. I'm only talking through a hole in my head.



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Well, I like the "clutter". Lots of ambiguous shapes and suggestive colors to stimulate my mind. I guess you have to be a fan of nonrepresentational images to get into this one.
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shooting dead fish, cats licking their balls, and I thought the threads on my shots had strange topics.


I cant say that "I get this" since well I dont. However, I love it when I dont- makes me think especially when I think I would have never seen this with my own eyes.


6/6 'cause its perttie and put together well. and not a cat licking its balls or worse

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Okay Knicki what's worse than a cat lickin' his (as my 6 year old says grenades)? Wait....don't answer that. I get it. As always Thanks for the support!



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Sally you are tough minded and that's good. The Collage officially began as an artform in 1912 with the first collages of Pablo Picasso. This qualifies. Go to www.collagists.com. Show them this image, I bet they like it.


BTW, rated a 6/6 becuase this image is in fact art, at least from where I sit.

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the tangible versa the intangeble, we know who wins the big game cause some body was keeping score woops! no need for me to think. art is more painfull to most at best because it chalenges them to explain why something is. most of the time

when i get a low rating (and they actually have work posted also!haha) and i look at their stuff then i understand. or they don't have anything and rate low well they just don't like it (optimistic me), but i agree

what is the point if you don't like it why even bother, if its not constructive or appreciative then their obviously just a@#holes (lol) oh and by the way cool work

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Having a bad day MM? Don't let the bastards get you down. For every one true talent there are ten thousand critics. Who needs em.


By the way... I recently suggested one of our Picture This members visit your abstract folder. Hopefully they did because your layered work is inspiring! You should think about joining our group. If you're interested check us out. See ya round.



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that comment "too much stuff always kracks me up!" i asked some body to tell me which ones and they never answered back(lol) i mean why bother? get a mirror and be done with it!

your picture this (invitation?) is... well... inviting! where and what is it (where is enough i'll go haha) and thanks for the kind words!

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I'm having a hard time leaving a meaningful comment on this one. But i will try: while I'm not actually attracted to it I think you are on to something. My interpretation (if one is needed) is that this is how we see the complexities of nature (the "eye" for vision, the tangled masses of plants all around). That my be far from your intentions but there you are! I like the brown blades which remind of a camera aperture or iris.


Two ideas (which you may well have tried and discarded): have the centre of the eye as the brightest zone, work on decreasing the impact of the blue patch just below the eye. Just ideas as always.

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Hi. I think you should do more of this kind of work. For me, this piece really stood out from the less adventurous photos in your portfolio- but I do like your portfolio. Clutter? Not really. It is a complex composition and some people do not deal well with abstract complexity. IN terms of form, movement and color, I think it's very good. I would eliminate some of the hard lines, but that's just my sensibility. In general, I like this a lot because it has exciting color combinations, a feeling of movement, and a feeling of 'natural' light. The way the shapes blend together remind me of watercolors. Most of all, I like your sense of adventure as an artist. I like your formal decisions and for me it is not too cluttered. Beautiful! (other 'cluttered' artists: Kandinsky, Picabia, Pollack, etc)

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