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Mauna Kea Planetarial Observatory, HI at Top Right. "Krummholz" (Bent Pine @ High Altitude, thanks to R. Jackson!) Tripod mounted, 80-200 @ short end, f11, aperture priority, ISO 200. Manipulation: Color balance and cloned out couple clouds.

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There are many leaning trees like this in Waimea. Other than calling

it a Hawaiian Cypress, does anyone know what it should be called?

Photographic critique is also welcome. Thanks!

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Wow beatiful, nice blue even if it�s digital. And what is it the background, The astronomy observatory from Chile
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I find I look at your photos and I am expecting to see True Tsoi every time I see them. This is a good picture but it doesn't have the Tsoiness that I am expecting.


I actually think this picture might work better without the tree.

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Looks good but agree it is even better larger. Very nice perspective, colors, and composition. Foreground detail is superb. Blue tint to the grass is pleasing. ? maybe less blueness in the clouds. You did a great job salvaging the background detail.
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Thank you all so far for your feedback and suggestion. Howard, I'll borrow some of that copy writting of yours. David, I know what you mean, but I can't quite get across barbed wire fences into farmer's ranch to use a wide angle with the tree to achieve that dramatic look. I heard they carry serious hunting rifles to fend off cattle thieves!
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Whoa... what a virtual delight. The blue clouds look like cotton candy. I really have never seen anything like this. Horizonal lines of such varying degree of color and texture. The detail and softness in the grass is superb. What a view. No clue about the name of the tree, but isn't it interesting all bent over. Pull of the sun, damaged by hurricane when it was young, or what? It would be interesting to know. The observatory appears so far away and small. This helps to define the size of what one is viewing. Beautiful touch.
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The lines here are crying out for a nice panaramic, but can't crop away that luscious grass. Damn. O.K., I'll love it, but I'm not happy about it. Anyway, the diagonals, the colours, the bend in the tree matching the gradient of the clouds(fog, whatever), makes me go mmm.
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When it happens to pines at high altitude, it's called "krummholz", which is German for "crooked wood" (A Sierra Club Naturalist's Guide: The Southern Rockies, Benedict, 1991). It is the result of wind forces over time. Nice shot. Are those observatories in the upper right?
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...appreciate your feedback. R. Jackson, thanks for the info and added it to the tech detail. Yes, at top of Mauna Kea is one of the world largest telescope (if not the largest.) Stephen, thanks for the thinking out loud. It's fascinating since I often do the same. David, have you been experimenting with AmeriCANs agains? ^_^
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apart from being beautiful the picture has a strange effect, too: the tree is situated in the clouds like in a wind-canal, yet the clouds are peaceful..
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Interesting subject matter and a fine composition. I like the surreal feeling. To me, the colours are over the top and the photograph doesn't need them - it would be more powerful (though perhaps less popular here on PN :)) with a more restrained and realistic approach.
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...really appreciate your inputs. Eric, I know what you mean. Your point is well taken, but I personally favor the Velvia camp. I'm sure either way, your execellent work translate equally well; normally aspirated, or saturated. ^_^
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