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Multiple Exposure Sandwich



© Obtain permission for use at judi@photo.net

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It is the same technique that used to be done with slides, so called "slide sandwich" technique. Here is the technique done with a digital camera: 1) take one shot; 2) take another shot (exact same) but this time defocus a little and increase your brightness level; 3) take the 2 shots into PS as 2 different layers with the defocused one on bottom; 4) change the opacity of the top layer until you have the effect you want. It works best with mid-tone shots. I took several shots and then chose the two that I liked the brightness level on one of the defocused ones. A tripod is obviously critical. A lack of wind is also important. You can also do this entire technique in PS with just one shot but that takes the photo-technique out of it.


Thank you all for your kind comments! I appreciate it!

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I try to get the same look, but without the layers and without any filters or PS. I really like how this looks. Thanks. John Math
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