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Lost sunset

Erik Lundh

Some Photoshop

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For me this broken symmetry works quite well. Beautiful landscape, even though they can have spectacular clouds and mountains, tend to be boring but the stones really makes a difference here, at least for me.
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Very peaceful photo, I'd love to be there! I think that sunsets and sunrises are always beautiful, good time of day for reflection (and long exposures on the camera)
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Eric, you have a ton of lovely shots! They all deserve good comments. Short on time, I just wanted to point out that I feel that while I like the saturation in this one better than the other, I feel the foreground rocks have declined in quality a little. Perhaps try excluding them from the Saturation layer. I use similar techniques to yours in PS and think it is great to find someone else with the same style. http://www.photo.net/photodb/member-photos?include=all&user_id=397196
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