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All The Kings Horses ...


Concieved during a recent low point in my life ....... The Eggs are carved by hand - using a hand tool ....... Have fun -- Someone recite the rhyme for me ...... (-; ............ HANDHELD FLASH .

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My son says thats cool but one broke. I think he is destined to be an art critic.


I will save my thoughts on this one as they are morbid and down, very down.



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It's Ok Knicki ...... The feelings which prompted me to conceive this image are in the past for now. I turned a down period in my life into a creative outlet - into an image to express how I felt at the time. Turned a negative into a positive ..... (-;


And of course the Egggs are not PS'd -- the faces were carved out by hand with a hand tool.

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wow! Ken, I don't which impresses me more this image or your hand carving skills with fragile eggs ;-). I do respect the serious tones behind this image as well even if a bit cracked.
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i have to admit you're more consistent in your work than i ever be (my inglis cracked). ... this might be one of your best egg shots -- all the triangles & rectangles play beautifully on my screen. whaaaaaaaaat's up, brother.
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Maria I was just thinking about you a minute ago - seriously ! ..... Being a big admirer of your B&W work I was wondering what you might think of this. So glad you like it ....


Kristin you are a very insightful lady -- it shows in your work and your comments - thank you .

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i like it. disregarding a cool idea, i love the photographic work here -- it's well done (maybe you could've taken care of that tilt better but i buy it with the tilt cause it reinforces the impression of the ominous falling of the other crack head). a successful shot, how bout this for a critique. each time i come to you, i miss Lou's hoarsing around.
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And of course the slant is no accident -- my life was very 'skewed' at that time and needed a way to convey that ....


I always wonder if my horsing around annoys you so I tend to stay away out of respect - but I always have an eye on you.


Lou ...... I still think of him often.

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"Have fun -- Someone recite the rhyme for me ...... (-;

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king's horses,

And all the king's men,

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

All credit goes to: www.enchantedlearning.com/

Please keep in mind that these particular Nursery Rhymes are a novelty to me (and hence the need to recite it). I didn't meet Humpty, et al... until I came to Australia, at the age of 20.

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the shelf is leaning. so the remaining shell didnt push the first one, hmm but who is pushing the shelf?
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And you caught my ex-wife's laugh on top of everything else.


I'm still on the floor six years later, by the way. Hard to walk away from some disasters.

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I was thinking along the same lines as everyone else - broken dreams. Or how about a crushed ego?


To me, the one on the shelf looks more concerned than laughing at the other egg. Like he's lost his best friend to a freak accident. Or how about this one - Deseggnated Diver? (I'm competing for the Giant Groan award of the day!).

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Kim totally wins the groan award for the day!!!


Ken, this image is great, but depressing. It makes me sad for where you were when you made this ... although I am well aware that we all have down times and have to work through them in our own ways. It's just so difficult to watch a friend work through their own stuff knowing that you can't take it away for them...........


Okay ... too much philosophizing, huh?


I miss Lou, too........

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Now Lou Ann I staged them Eggg shells and I want your opinion ! .......... lol .......... ...... If the image is depressing then I conveyed that emotion - cool - that was the idea ..... sol


Kim - Diver ? Muff ? ... ?


Possum - thank you for the recital - yes ...


Thank you Dave - that means alot coming from you .


Allan and Stew - thank you ...


Bente - your comments and observations are some of the best on PN - looking forward to that ... jaaa


Erin - right on ....


Knicki - 'life' is pushing the antique soda case - and sometimes we help it a bit thru our choices and decisions .... yes


Igor - exactly - these are left overs from my Eggg pumkin shots from last Halloween ..... (-;


Jennifer, Thomas and Lannie - thank you very much for taking the time ...


Els - that would be nice - would like to see the pendulum swing the other way for awhile .... thanks.

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The good thing about low points is when they finally go away... I like this composition for the story it tells even if sad for we all have those times in some degree.
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