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"Calling It a Day"


80-200 hand held, aperture priority f5.6 around 1/500 sec., ISO 200, vivid, couldy WB, Manipulation: None other than minor saturation.

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Taken around 7pm in Lahaina with Molokai in the background. The

sailor is wrapping up his day. Feedback is appreciated, thanks.

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That's it! I gotta move. I don't want to be the fisherman but would like to have been the photographer. By the way, did you use a tripod on this shot? The colors are unbelievable.
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I feel like I'm following Howard around (not on purpose, though! LOL!!) I like this ... although, for some reason, the mountain in the background bothers me. I'm not sure why. I think it's because I'd either rather see more of it or less of it. The colors that you've captured are wonderful, though!
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Let me say something fundamental: There is a clock, you get a specific constellation of the hands - every hour slightly different. Different in the whole tomorrow too because the angle of the light that falls onto... and so on. So I am impressed by this very moment at your picture which created this unique structure of forms. RE 7/6
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I like the lines in this one - the diagonal of the mountain that is echoed in the sailboat, albeit a little differently. The clouds and water kind of mimic each other, too, in the more curvy shapes. I guess what I'm saying is I really like this one!
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Thank you all for your feedback. Howard, I too would LOVE to move there. The sunset there is just amazing. BTW Howard, I didn't use a tripod, but hand-held, propped against a cabana (didn't pay rent for it neither.) ^_^
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The colors are so warm and wonderful. The horizon divides nicely the softness of the clouds & mountain from the intense texture & movement of the ocean. I like the distinct differences. Nice job!
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Beautiful color, excellent mood! But in Paradise, what else is there? I think I would kill to be on that Cat right now. Regards.
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