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Tell Us How You Really Feel


Monopod, ISO 400, f4

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Pete, I agree - it was a mixed bag of emotion to witness. They are so human-like that it unsettling to see them in a cage. Also, confession time - I believe this guy had an issue with the finger's tendon, and that it's like that all the time.
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I can picture all the children giggling and laughing and giving the bird for at least the next couple of days. poor moms.


His look goes right with the hand gesture. Hate to see them in cages too. At least he didnt throw vomit at you.



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This is an excellent picture, I bet you one of those companies that make joke birthday cards, etc. would buy this image from you.




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Funnier still, I finally sold my very-first-ever photo to a stock company on Friday. It was a solicited image of a male dog peeing on a tree. No really. Damn if I get pigeon-holed into that kind of genre, lol...
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I'm not sure if that would be so bad Christopher. Look at Elliott Erwitt; check out his phototoons. They go for around $2000 a pop. I'd take that.
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That's funny, I guess the guy in the truck next to me on the way to work this morning had the same finger tendon condition. He also was very human-like...^_^
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I am from California, but I was visiting my parents this weekend in Chicago. We were at Lincoln Park Zoo on August 15th (the day after your picture was taken) and there was a gorilla with its middle finger up on the hand it was eating with (might be the same gorilla). I tried to get a good shot, but nothing like yours - great capture.
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Ken, I'm sure it was the same one - I'm betting very, very low odds that there are two at the same zoo with the same "finger condition" :) Thanks for the compliment - I got lucky, he was up close and my camera was on! I hate the grass stuck in the fence that's covering his eye...but hey, got the finger;)
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A classic - doesn't matter how you got it. I love monkeys, but hate it when they are caged and this kind of expresses how the animals might feel, too. I was lucky to get some orangutan shots where they were in a large, open area and no bars, in the Houston Zoo. They seemed happier to me, too, than some of the other animals behind bars.
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This is by far one of my favorite photos on this whole site! I'm so glad you caught it! Our close cousin didn't think much of you and your camera. I guess he's a Cannon guy himself. No accounting for taste. hehe I bet he's wondering what you're doing in that cage... Would seem to me that would be his perspective from the "inside". I guess it's better to be in his shoes now, than to have starved to death from habitiat depletion or to have had that animated hand sold as an aphrodisiac in some third world morketplace. and OH! The lynch mobs and illegal hunting... But a cage is a cage! I hate being caged here in this tiny planet myself... or being caged in a small cubicle in a workplace... I know how he feels every time I stare at the stars. But, it's all relative to how you want to look at it. Is a cage with bars worse than a cage of glass? silly... they're both cages... that's like saying a fish in an aquarium isn't so bad off... that too would be better than being caught in a net, on a hook, or die slowly and painfully from pollution... (but hey! That's what we're doing to ourselves!) Haven't gorillas been on the endandangered species list for a long time? The wilds are much more "wild" since we've been altering them. But, who knows? It's good to see that people are helping them breed while they "protect" them from the horrors of human evolution... or regression... or it's stagnant abyss.



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Lisa, primates in particular are viewed by me with mixed emotion at zoos. The almost human intelligence you can see in their eyes makes you both intrigued and deply saddened. I know al about that feeling, too - while looking at the stars - as you mention. Sigh.
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As I was watching Animals in Captivity gallery, this seemed to be the saddest photo. So, I opened it, and as I was watching his sad eyes, suddenly I saw the finger :)) You certainly achieved a striking effect :)) Excellent! Well done.
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Chris, I get a little tired of pictures on PN of people flipping off the camera. So cliche. They all just look like gorillas.


Great picture! Finger problem my eye. He's just found a new way to pass some time.

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