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Rainbow Falls, Big Island, Hawaii


Rainbow Falls in Hilo has always been a popular destination for any visitor to that island. With all the rain Hilo gets the falls is almost always full and quite photogenic. The abundance of rain also guarantees those nice rich greens throughout. I have been here many times, but this time I felt like I was able to catch on film a fair measure of what this place is really like. It was on and off raining the entire shoot. Used a tripod and cable release for greater depth of field as well as to catch some smoother water movement. Shutter was close to one second... maybe two. As always your opinions/comments are greatly appreciated! www.hawaiianphotos.net

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Great composition. I like the feeling of depth given by choosing to include a close framing foreground. The little cascade at the left adds an interesting miniature replica. Exceptional sharpness throughout. 7/6
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Hi Vincent, love the foliage in the forground. Rainbow Falls, not the same as Akaka Falls, right? Very pleasant and another signature work of yours.
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Thanks for the nice comments. Here is an image of Akaka Falls, Wilson. Rainbow Falls is right in Hilo, and Akaka is about 20 minutes or so North. I sure hope you were able to catch these locations. Aloha.

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First of all, I would like to say thank you for the nice rating you just gave my image. If you have a minute, and are interested, feel free to view my portfolio . . . This is a very nice shot, and I assume, one of your more recent. The image I want to rate is your "Personal Portrait" on your home page. LOL I about cracked up laughing! I found "Clifford." My grand daughter would have especially appreciated it. ;-)
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Nice photograph. The gree foliage creates a natural frame around the water fall. As always the exposure is perfect and colors are terrific. My only suggestion would be to crop out the tiny bit of sky you above the falls.

I can't wait to get to Hawaii...but when I do, I am afraid I would not want to leave. :-)

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. This should answer your question Lou Ann, I copied this from another site:


"Rainbow Falls is only 80 feet high, but it out-produces any other in the state in sheer volume. Its average discharge per day is more than 300 million gallons."


Jay, I purposefully left just a sliver up top when framing and shooting this. For some unknown reason I practically always do this when shooting waterfalls. I get your point though, especially with a cloudy sky like here. Obviously easy to fix....


Stew, Ken Williams did that for my bio pic. Obviously I too kind of liked it. Be careful cause he might mess with yours soon.....aloha.

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I respectfully disagree with Jay about the sky. I think if it were missing the overall view would look "cramped", for lack of a better word. Color and composition are just right! I like the foliage framing in the foreground. We did not get a chance to see these in Hilo (saw Akaka though). It is a Very Good photograph Vincent (maybe even a bit better than that!), thanks for posting it. Regards.
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Perhaps you are correct Walter. I just naturally tend to want at least a sliver of sky on most if not all waterfalls. Less cramped, adds a measure of perspective?? Cannot say exactly for sure. The Akaka Falls attached above is one of the few exceptions. Anyway, discussions like these help to gain a bit better understanding. Many mahalos for that!
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IMHO... that little bit of sky adds to the depth of this image and seems to complete the composition. Very nice capture.
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Hi Vincent. Thanks for the Falls indentification. We didn't make it to neither of the falls eventhough we stay right in Hilo for 2 days (remember the "Macadamia Nut Farm" story!?)
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I love the composition of this, the folage framing really accentuates the falls. The fall looks like pure poured light! Beautiful.
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I guess perhaps it may look little carmped. Couple of weeks ago on my trip to Mt. Rainer, I took a similar photograph of waterfall with foliage frame around the waterfall and framed it without the sky. It would be interesting see what comments I get about the photo. :-))
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Well Jay, post it!


I definitely do appreciate the honest feedback. Here is another waterfall that sells very successfully on Maui. Same issue as here, at least in my mind. The sky (or at least the color in the sky) does not add any aesthetic value whatsoever. Yet, I feel it adds something needed, regardless of the bland colorless sky. Is it depth? Does it now have room to breathe so to speak? I really do not know for sure. Only that I think it works better leaving it in. AFTER having these discussions however, I do feel I may have a better understanding as to the question of *why*. Many mahalos to you all for that!



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