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Rainbow Falls, Big Island, Hawaii


Rainbow Falls in Hilo has always been a popular destination for any visitor to that island. With all the rain Hilo gets the falls is almost always full and quite photogenic. The abundance of rain also guarantees those nice rich greens throughout. I have been here many times, but this time I felt like I was able to catch on film a fair measure of what this place is really like. It was on and off raining the entire shoot. Used a tripod and cable release for greater depth of field as well as to catch some smoother water movement. Shutter was close to one second... maybe two. As always your opinions/comments are greatly appreciated! www.hawaiianphotos.net

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Vince-Some of your shots I look at and think "if I were there, I could get something similar" (there are few shots where I think that and to be honest, I realize I'm lying to myself!) but this shot I think really shows your skill. If I were at this location, I don't think I would have thought to include, or included so nicely, the lucious green plants that "frame" this waterfall. As always, your colors are superb. Thanks for sharing this shot--next time I shoot a waterfall I'll have this shot in mind and the lessons you have taught me by simply sharing the results of your great talent will make my shot better!
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Thanks for the nice compliments Tyler. The truth is that when I worked this location, for close to an hour before headed to other locations (since I do not live on this island and paying for car rental, hotel, food airfare etc... you have to move rather quickly), I shot this location with and without the foliage. I shot it from other angles further to the right. I shot it much wider than this and a little closer than what you see posted. I also bracketed the shutter speeds from as slow as I get get it down to (close to a second or two as seen here) and worked my way up to 1/60 of a second with everything in between. THEN when I finally got to editing this series I have a great assortment of images to look through. Editing can be very tedious because you are often splitting hairs trying to fine the best of the best among many that may work.


This formulay has almost always allowed me to find some kind of a winner when getting the gear out and shooting. Work an area as thoroughly and carefully as you possibly can. You never know just what might stand out until you get home. Thanks again.



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