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"Alone at the Fall"


Bare-hand fishing. Hand held, propped against rock, self-timer, ISO 50, manual meter f8 around 1.5 sec. Manipulation: Removed couple swimmers, color balance, and saturation. Noteworthy: Grand prize winner Hawaii Magazine 2005/06. Appeared in MSNBC, Travel, "The Farside of Paradise," 21 April 2005.

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A very nice capture Wilson. Finally a beautiful waterfall pic with a meaning on photonet! The perfect combination of beautiful light, atmosphere, colours together with the storytelling value of this pic makes this a 7/7. Best Geert
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Another one of your fantastic shots. Slow shutter speed and waterfalls can be so clich' but you have nailed it right on with this one! You combined your steady hand (handheld? no way... but you did it) with great framing and capture of the golden lighting. Did you turn your camera 90 degrees or did you crop this down in PS? I dig your lava shots too. Looks like a great vacation!
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Thank you all for your continual feedback and kind words. Mark, at the time, it was frustrating in a way because the destination has so much to offer and yet, we were not as efficient with time utilization as I had hoped (see my whining in 'Where It Meets the Sea' .) At the end, it's all about spending time with your loved ones, and photography becomes second (a close second at that!) I came home feeling very thankful for my family, my neighbors (co-travellers,) Pele's mercy, and look forward to return to the Big Island in near future. ^_^
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7/7 I didn't read the comments, I didn't want to be influenced. This is magic! The depth in the water, the color, and the composition is absolutely wonderful. Great job!
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Jayme, Stavos, Niki, and Wayne, thanks for your kind words. And for all who was wondering about the reflection of the fall, here's a section of the original, unmanipulationed capture taken with an A80 hand-held (horizontal) propped on a rock sticking out of the water. Notice that the fall was already blured, but the reflection doesn't exactly refects it, even in the original.

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Wilson - this is truly gorgeous photo - interaction between light, colors and subject holds eyes magically. Best regards, Mark
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Although it has all been said, may I add my congratulations on a perfectly gorgeous capture.....
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That's what I call magic hour. Of course, I'm sure it lasted only minutes. Gutsy move going to 1-1/2s. I love the movement, sharp subject, backlit pods.
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I'm not sure I can have a favorite out of all your pictures because I have so many, but this one definitely tugged at my heart! Just beautiful..
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Perfect title for the perfect image. We are alone only if see it this way - in the end, on the final analysis, we are not alone nor are we separate from everthing else.

Humans like water. Water calms them. Maybe because we consist mostly of water. If we learn to be here and now, we are flexible like water and we have a endless freedom to go around of everything and to absorb everything without having any storms within us. No matter how long it takes we get where we need to. But never were we want to. Even water does not run uphill, always down until it meets the great Ocean. Watwe never wants enything, maybe thats why we look at it when we are lost in our dreams and want all the needless stuff in this world.

Great and symbolic image with perfect composition and interesting colors.

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