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"Alone at the Fall"


Bare-hand fishing. Hand held, propped against rock, self-timer, ISO 50, manual meter f8 around 1.5 sec. Manipulation: Removed couple swimmers, color balance, and saturation. Noteworthy: Grand prize winner Hawaii Magazine 2005/06. Appeared in MSNBC, Travel, "The Farside of Paradise," 21 April 2005.

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Fix up the little blue fringes on the high lights and what blur function did you use on the water. Looks like the plant behind the water copped a blur as well. The reflection in the pool is a give away, maybe mirror the reflection down there too. and the masking of the blur at the top seems a bit harsh.


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This is a great image bud and please accept the next comments as just an addition to an already wonderful shot... The light area of water in the bottom forth of the image, do ya think you could darken it a bit? My eye just continually goes there. I would burn the heck out of it. It will help focus the attention where it belongs. Also, I mimic what David S. says above. The reflection in the water looks like the fall is sharp as all can be. Once again, I have no problem with PS work in nature unless it is noticeable, the reflection was one of the first things I noticed. I would fix that and add a bit of noise in the falls to mask the look of a software blur.


I know I am in the vast minority here, but I just thought I should mention it. A nice shot none the less.



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Thanks folks for all the feedback. I'd never expected this to initiate this much amount of response. McSween & Dave N., noted your suggestions with thanks. I know what y'll sayin'. I'll look in to 'em & fix soon. Appreciate it, ladies and gents. ^_^
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congratulations WIlson , love to know who the kid is ( the story behind the shot ) and how he managed to stand still for 1.5 seconds ( because you never know with these kids )..
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Marvellous. Beautiful, touching scene... my favourite part though is the streaks of colour in the waterfall.
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Very beautifu. I too was in hawaii for one week. But did not have much time for photography. Very unfortunate to have bad weather. I like this image. Very original lighting. Congrats!. Ranjith
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Thank you all for your feedback. Really appreciate it. Tuhin, the 11-year-old boy was catching little fish with his bare hands. In a competitive spirit against his 8-year old sister, he managed to catch 8-9 of them in a mutual catch-n-let-go rule. In the photo, he had just caught one, and was examining the catch closely. Otherwise, he'll be all over the bottom of the fall. I must have made over 10 exposures at around 1-2 seconds to come up with this sharp one. Thanks again, everyone. ^_^
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Super difficult to slow the action yet also keep the moving element (the little guy) sharp. VERY difficult I should say! I too agree with Dave here in that giving the foreground pool a bit more attention might help you to improve this already very nice capture. You have some really excellent images Wilson. Your attention to detail and very hard work in the field reflects very nicely in the quality of your folders. ...Aloha.
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