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Angels at Work


Ethan in NICU

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Really nice effect that you applied here. Which one is it? It gives the photo a really special quality that removes it from the clinical realm. Great work.
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I took this through a blinded window at HMH. So... the top and bottom blur are blinds. Then I used a "diffuse glow" filter set with the backround color white and the foreground color black in P/S. Then I painted out and brushed in the areas of the effect in a layer mask. This is our son, Ethan's father and our daughter visiting Ethan while in his brief stay in the NICU. I thought I had lost these images after a computer crash, but I found them the other day on a disc. How fortunate for me. Ken I forgot to add that I added a lot of graining.
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Great that you are applying your skills both PS and photography. you are already up there with the top guys
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Love the feathered out edges, the color coordinated muted green on the drapes and frame, and the general composition. The grainy, gritty look works here to emphasize the urgency, the news reporter type of the occurance. Jayme, what are you talking about, "Not worth it," just curious?
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Oh, this Yani person keeps rating all my images low without explanation. When he does offer critique to others, he signs his critique "Luvya". He has no photos of his own, of course, so I can only assume this is a psuedo name for someone we probably all know, who has no balls. I don't mind low ratings, I deserve them at times. What I hate is someone rating ALL my images low and offering no explanation. Then it seems some sort of retaliatory rating thing. I would never rate someone's image low in retaliation, don't believe in it, not my style. But I tire of these characters who love to play games. I'm here to learn, and have fun, not play games. If someone doesn't like my photo, that's fine. I don't always like everyone elses photos either, but if I think they have enough merit for me to rate, I explain my rating if it is below average. There's no sense in being unkind. As with all of us, some photos just don't appeal to me, that doesn't make them bad, it just means my taste is different. For example, I have a hard time looking at "Bugs" and appreciating them, but I can appreciate the merit of the image. I rate on technical skills, clarity, and composition (when I, personally,have a hard time with the subject matter). In other words, I might not love it, but I can appreciate it. I believe this bit with multiple names on PN is a joke, I also believe that unless you can show you are legitimate, by posting your own photos, you should only be able to look and comment but not rate others. But then that's just my opinion and normally, these characters don't get under my skin, but I think I know who "Yani" is and it irritates me!
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Jayme, a great title and an excellent photo.I love the soft touch to this , this is the first photo from this situation I ever seen.Your folder sure tells me that you see the light and capture it very well! So many of them are very famous anyways..so this Lani Luva guy, forget him, I have read some of his comments, he has nothing to offer.Anyways for this one 7/7!!! I love your folder and your hair..it's not long, it's beautiful!
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Being a pediatric specialist, this is the best work I have ever seen on a NICU perspective. I love your angels. By the way, who is this Yani character anyway? Does he even know what he is looking at? Keep up the excellent work!!
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...have you reported this Yani person to PN as a rating abuse? I would think that ignoring a low-rater after a while will discourage him/her to return. But if it persists, I'd say report the abuse. Looking at this picture again today, it really has an angelic feel to it. Very up-lifting. Best regards ^_^
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No I didn't, but I did write them a very respectful email. I told him who I suspected he was & requested he not rate unless he also commented. I got no reply, however, I must add that the real person I suspected it was, suddenly has decided PN is not too much fun anymore and has decided to not post for a while. How interesting.
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Love the image, hate the added grain. I've always been a low speed film (low ISO digicam), fine grain developer person though, so I may just be too pickity about grain. It seems to be going over well with the rest of the gang though. Ditto on all the 'love it's
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Jayme, this is a great shot, especially hear about the conditions it was taken under, at first I thought parts of it were PS to create the effect, but after reading I was even more impressed. Very nice composition, it has a dreamy feel to it!


As for Yani, I am glad to here you are not letting him get under your skin, and take his feedback for what it is. (jealousy or junk) You are one of the better childrens photographers on PN. Not to mention all the other areas you play in. You always give great feedback (good or bad) and it is nice that someone will spend the time to tweak things or show you a different perspective on how a picture is presented, and spend the time to explain how you did it.


Keep up the great work!


Thanks for sharing:)

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Thanks Jason- I did use a diffusion filter in PS on this one. I thought it worked nicely. Ethan is almost 4. Amazing!
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This photo is one of my favorites in your portfolio. The drama of knowing that these are real parents w/ a little one in need of TLC and not models staged for the photo just wrenches at the heart. I work in the medical field, and several of my co-workers were gathered around my monitor in awe of this photo as well. Thanks for sharing this private moment - Terri
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Thank you Terri. These are our 2 children, Haylee & Hugh. It is our son's first child, Ethan. He's now 4. I took this through a window with mini-blinds. The blinds can be noticed at the top & bottom of the image. This also is one of my very favorite images. It was late, our daughter had come to visit & it just looked like such a wonderful scene. I just couldn't resist. My husband & I are also in the medical field. He is a Family Physician & I am an RN.


Ethan had a little respiratory problem at birth, so he had to spend 24 hours in the NICU. He can be seen in lots of my other images. He loves the camera :) Between Ethan & Tyson, I'm not quite sure who likes getting their picture taken more? Our other 2 grandsons, Jake & Eli, are not as comfortable with the camera. Tyson, the 20 month old, will stop what he's doing & "pose" when he sees "anyone" with a camera. Our daughter says I have him trained :) It's actually quite funny!

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Hi Jayme


I have not had a chance to visit your site lately. This is awesome. I like the framing and title as much as the photo. Very nice work. I just send an e-card of one of your photos to a friend and wanted her to check out your portfolio. She is a high risk pregnancy and this is her first baby. Hope all is going well with your studio.



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This was Ethan, now 5. We had a little scare with him, but he is perfectly fine :) These are my 2 wonderful children, Haylee & Hugh (Ethan's father). As I stated above, I took this through a window with blinds. It was just a neat picture, but very grainy. So....... I capitalized on the grain. This is one of my own favorite images :) I just thought they (for once) looked like Angels :) Doesn't happen often!
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