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Eggleston Revisited


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Actually I'm quite good at this, but maybe, if I dumbed the images down about 60 points or so, you might be able to understand what I'm doing.
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Higher then you want to know.


I've noticed a propensity over the months and years for folks such as yourself, to make negative comments about that which they haven't a clue. It's very telling about the personalities who ply these forums. It's also doubtful one could expect to find an intelligent critique on Photo.net; your critique included.


I guess you'd expect one should be able to stop by your portfolio and make similar comment about your images; but that would be just as childish and unintelligent as your comment was here, now wouldn't it?


Thank you for your comment.

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Feel free to do whatever you like, Thomas, my ego is not that fragile. It's just innernet, innit?


You seem to put yourself into a category of "the one who knows better than the proles". Auspicious indeed but somewhat inflexible.

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Fragile it is; hence the need to make comment such as you did.


The humor I see in your comment; I am a "prole" (proletarian), or worker if you will.

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Thomas, though you apparently do not like Eggleston much, it may be worth your while to explore Eggleston's color sense a bit more deeply before dismissing him. The power in his photos, to me anyways, is in the physiological reaction we seem to have hot-wired into us by certain color combinations. The red ceiling photo is a powerful image precisely because it is red, corpuscular, hemoglobin-rich, provoking an atavistic reaction, even in civilized people.


I find he is an acquired taste, myself. I am going to see the Los Alamos show at SF's MOMA this weekend and experience the dye transfer prints.I am curious how the prints look outside the printed page.



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Part of the problem seems to be that people think I'm too stupid or undereducated to understand Eggleston. I see the problem in the light of my critics expecting less of themselves and not expecting more of their icons.
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