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In The Middle Of The Wedding Photos, A Cute Cow Wandered Up To The Fence...


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LOLOL Oh David, David, BE CAREFUL how you title an image!! :-) When I read your title and saw the picture, I laughed so hard my side started hurting. I have a hysterically funny joke and I would tell you, but I don't know you that well, (I found you when you gave me a good rating on one of my images), and I don't know your relationship to this pretty young lady, but I can tell you, some people would think I am aweful, and maybe I have a warped sense of humor, but, I, at least, about cracked up laughing at the first thought that ran through my silly head!! ;-) Only with your permission will I reveal the source of my madness. Oh, by the way, good pic. LOL
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I am sure given the chance that a cow would have a go at some flowers, but in this case the cow seemed much more interested in the bridesmaid...


Just after this shot was captured...like moments...like I wished I had waited, the cow licked her exposed arm from the elbow up to almost her arm pit...


So, indeed this is a cow with some smarts...


And about it being a country wedding, actually the wedding was held at a very uppity golf and country club near Toronto called Angus Glen, and for some reason they still have a little farm just off the course and it looked like they had a small herd of these beasts...


I noticed the arrival of this one, and went to get a shot of it, but soon this lovely appeared to have a talk to the visitor.


She was afraid to look at me as she was afraid the cow might do something...but I am sure she never thought it would lick her...


Thanks for your comments and ratings, etc...



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