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Bonjour Etienne! Merci pour les commentaires sur mes photos! Celle-ci retient mon attention car la profondeur est bien travaill饬 les couleurs sont belles, la lumi貥 est belle, et il n'y a pas d'鬩ments distrayants en arri貥-plan, ce qui est difficile ࠴rouver dans les endroits o� l'on trouve des balles roul饳... Je pratique une profession qui n'existe pas en France: je suis optom鴲iste. Nous sommes pris quelque part entre l'opticien-lunettier et l'ophtalmologiste, selon les standards chez vous. Nous faisons surtout des examens visuels destin鳠ࠡjuster lunetes ou lentilles corn饮nes, mais aussi d鰩ster et traiter plusieurs maladies oculaires. Voilம.J'avais envoy頣ette photo pour permettre ࠰lusieurs de d飯uvrir le "sensor" le plus perfectionn頤e tous, que canon et Nikon ne r鵳siront jamais ࠩgaler en pr飩sion... Il est ࠳ensibilit頶ariable en plus! Je ne voulais pas de "ratings", pas appropri頣omme tel pour ce genre d'image... mais bon, je ne crois pas que 硠a eu un grand succ賮.. � soumettre plus tard? Qu'en penses-tu? � bient�t!
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Merci pour vos commentaires a tous, je suis surpris que cette image "marche" car pour moi elle ne presentait pas un grand interet! Un de ces 4 je lui passerai un petit coup de sharp et de contraste sur photoshop voir si elle est mieux.
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I really like this. It's quite simple but great textures and colors. I think the colors need to be 'brought out' a little more to make them 'pop'! I have attached what I think most people are meaning by better contrasting.


I adjusted levels, and contrasting in Photoshop. I also sharpened a wee bit. You may or may not like the sharpening. Let me know what you think. Have a great day.

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Erin, thx a lot for your work, your version is better than mine! no doubt! I had an other idea for this shot, I tried to convert it in b&w and obscur the sky to obtain an effect like this but without any success :(. If you have an idea! :)
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I know what you mean with Todd's picture. I love that look and feel of sky. I tried to attempt to do something similar in PS. However I'm coming up with nothing too. What I did just didn't look the same. Todd is using a Polarizer filter as well as most other photographers that have caputered 3-D skies like that. I need to do some research in what that type of filter would cost because I think it would be money well spent. Especially when taking landscape shots like you and I both like to do.
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I think I used a polarizer for this shot (77mm buy for 7600 Yen by a friend in Japan...) but I think Todd use a red filter for this kind of effect... No? I mad an other test and the result is that...

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